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Now we have Will, there's still Daisy who's alive and knows Bucky has her son, they don't know why Ashens' blood helps make a cure yet,  and now Bucky needs help

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Now we have Will, there's still Daisy who's alive and knows Bucky has her son, they don't know why Ashens' blood helps make a cure yet, and now Bucky needs help. Sure, he's got Ashen's blood, but is it that simple?


A/N (which will later be removed) : So I considered making a second book to continue the loose ends but I decided to do something different. This second part will be very different than the first for several reasons. Reason I decided to not make it second book on here was because it won't be as long as the first part, if we can even consider it a "part" since it will be significantly shorter. Didn't want to make you guys think the story will still take forever to finish, which isn't the case. It's coming to an end. There's just things still left to cover and tie up that would've made the first part way too long. And you know me, I don't bring characters in for no reason.

I think once you start reading it you'll also see why I decided to make it a part 2 and not just continue it as one, aside from the length factor. I think you'll enjoy it. ;) I will remove this note once first upload of part 2 is up. It will continue here. So not a new book. Hope this makes sense! I'm also working on a playlist for Part 2 if any are interested. I'll probably upload it along with the first playlist on the playlist chapter but after this part's title.
Bare with me with uploads! Life is crazy right now. But I didn't forget you guys.
Much love! Limbo

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