Let's Cherish This (ending 1 option - happy ending)

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"Look at these toes

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"Look at these toes. So perfect. Who's perfect? You are." Bucky's baby voice went on and on and it was making your stomach flutter with love, "you are. That's right." He was in the living room, holding Katerina in his arms.

You're putting your gorgeous industrial stove to use tonight. You turn the roaring burner to the left, making the fire smaller.

You weren't making anything from scratch since half the things in the grocery store had to be thrown out, but you were still happy with all of this.

You were making ramen.

You waved the little foil packet around and then ripped it.

"Oh the smell of sodium and chicken seasoning." You grumble as you mix in your Maruchan powder into the noodles.

The steam traveled into the air.

Over the soft hum of the gas, you could hear Bucky with Katerina in the living room again.

You looked over to see him playing with her in his lap. 

It warmed your heart.

It also made a part of you that you hadn't felt feeling so good in what felt like forever.

The domestic nature of it was so attractive to you.

You cleared your throat. His eyes catch yours for a moment and he smiles at you. The sides of his eyes crinkle adorably and his nose does that little scrunch you love.

You wanted him. Bad.

You look away, blushing.

Things have become so domestic between you two for a while now that even just the thought of sex was making you shy and a little nervous.

Bucky continues to play with Katerina a bit and then he goes on to feed her.

It's when you're putting the ramen into two yellow bowls - one for you and one for Bucky - that he starts to gently burp her.

There was just something about watching him like that that attracted you to him even more.

As you place his bowl down in front of him, he sighs and looks down at Katerina to see how she's doing, his hand still lightly tapping against her back.

"You put the diapers where?" He asks quietly, his eyes searching your face.

"They're right next to her crib. You'll see the wipes there, too."

Bucky nods.

"I'll change her in a bit," Katerina finally lets out little burps and Bucky smiles, "there you go. Good girl."

Bucky finally pulls her off his upper chest and Katerina does the classic little baby scrunch with her legs. He loved that every time.

He maneuvers her so she's back into he crook of his arm, cradled against his front.

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