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The next morning came around, promising new beginnings and better health

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The next morning came around, promising new beginnings and better health. He could feel it the second he woke up. He no longer felt fatigued or aching.

Later in the shower, Daisy's shower, he noticed the green in his arm was now gone too.

Stepping back into his guest room, he reaches across the bed to grab the clean grey t-shit. He slides it on and then makes his way out of the bedroom. What he doesn't expect to see at door is a pair of little eyes looking up at him.

"Hey, Sophie." He says gently with a soft smile.

"Mommy says breakfast is ready. Bloose is aweady at the table." She pulls on one of the toy rabbit's ears and walks away.

"Thank you. I'll be right there."

Bucky takes in a deep breath before he makes his away into the main area.

Just like Sophie had said, Bruce is at the dining table eating what looks like a bowl of cereal. mundane.

He doesn't know how to feel about it.

Daisy looks up from her own plate, mid conversation with Bruce, and meets Bucky's eyes.

She smiles.

"James. Please sit." She motions towards the chair next to her and across from Bruce, "I made us some eggs and bacon."

Eggs and Bacon.

Bucky clears his throat as he pulls out his chair and sits down. He eyes the abundance of food in front of him with a noticeable scowl.

Daisy frowns.

"You alright?" Bucky huffs. He meets Bruce's gaze.

"How are you feeling? Better than yesterday? The green was mostly gone yesterday." Bruce says.

"A lot better. I think it's out of me. The green is completely gone. I feel great." Bucky says quickly.

He just wanted to go home.

"That's great. You should eat." His eyes flicker to Daisy's once more.

He looks down at the plate of eggs in front of him and takes a spoon full.

They were pretty good.

"Are you sure you're ready to come with us?" Bucky asks once he swallows all his food.

"We are. I already spoke to Sophie. This place is not safe for my family, or many other families for that matter. I know that. I also need to be with my son as soon as I can. I want to find refuge and start over with the right people. Whatever you guys decide to do, I want to be there along the way. If you let me."

"This town you told us about — Doma—" Bruce starts quietly, dabbing the edge of his lips with a napkin, "just how certain are you of this place?"

"Completely and faithfully certain. I was with them on their talks. I know the ins and outs of it all. That's how I knew how to un-bug everything so me and Sophie could be safe and undetected for since Ashen's death."

Bucky runs a hand up his face, and decides to sharply change the subject.

"Are we good to leave tonight since I'm feeling better?" He asks.

"Buck—" Bruce starts.

"I need to get back. As nice as this," he motions to the table in front of him dramatically, "is, I need to be with our friends. We need to be back at camp, planning what to do next—"

"We will, tomorrow morning."

"Tonight. I need to be with my girl." He says.

"And you will be. Tomorrow."

The rest of the day goes by slowly. Bucky hates it. He just wants it to end so he can go back to you. Before sundown, they start packing. Bucky tells Daisy they should only bring a backpack, and they pack accordingly. After their things are set to go for the next day, Daisy starts prepping some tea before bed.

"How far along did you say she was? In her pregnancy I mean." She asks as she pours the hot liquid into the cup.

He frowns. He looks over at her to see the good light of the island fixture illuminating her face.

Bucky clears his throat.

"We think maybe two or three months, but we aren't too sure, why?"

A strange look is on her face but she just nods.

"I'm not sure if it would be the same in her case, but when I was pregnant, because of the serum, it made the fetus develop twice as fast in the womb. When I had given premature birth, at almost five months, they said that Ashens was the size of a nine month old developed baby."

She hesitantly meets his eyes and Bucky feels his stomach drop.

"You think she'd go into labor sooner?"

"If the baby has the serum too, because of you, yes."

Bucky didn't even think about that. His baby having his serum. He doesn't have time to process any of what Daisy was saying before the pouring stops.

"Come with me." She says.

She leads him into her bedroom,

She flicks on the lights and Bucky watches as she walks over to two backpacks on the floor.

"I know you said only pack one but I hope you could allow an extra carry on." She hands him the smaller beige backpack and motions for him to open it.

He does.

The emotions that fill him are one of gratitude as he sees some spare baby clothing, a baby bottle, and a baby blanket.


"There should be four onesies in there. Infant size to about a year old. Hopefully that will hold you guys over long enough until we are at Doma."

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. These are necessities. I wished I had diapers but I haven't had to buy any in a few years. I included a small rag in there. Maybe that's enough. I'm sorry if it's not —" she's cut off as he brings her in for a tight hug.

"Thank you, Daisy."

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