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He didn't like that he had to be back here, again

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He didn't like that he had to be back here, again. The thought that you worked here made his skin crawl and he had no idea why. If it was anyone else, he was fine with it, he had nothing against sex workers. He respected them. It was because it was you that was here.

He feels the cold brick behind him nor when he overhears two men just outside the back entrance.

Bucky takes shield around the corner, pulling his dark hood higher over his head as he does so.

"What time is the package supposed to arrive?" One of the man asks, in a heavy east European accent, "We have to head up to quarters right after. Something serious."

"Tonight." Is the only thing the other man says. His accent is the same as the first man.

Bucky hears the heavy footsteps of shoes on wet gravel, and he eyes for possible escapes incase he needs to divert himself.

"Silas wants to give us the run down, he should be in his room." The first man says.

"Is she in there, too?" The second man asks. They both chuckle.

Bucky listens for the sound of the door closing. He peeks his head around the corner to see the back door close right behind the two men.

Waiting a few minutes and then standing up tall, he looks around one more time before going through the same door.

Bucky feels hot the second the door shuts behind him. The stairs led down to a dark stair case, at the bottom splitting in two. The room was mildly lit by a three candlelight fixtures that hung on the high ceilings. It glowed in a soothing yellow that made Bucky only slightly curious as to how they could make sex club look so sophisticated and inviting. It smelled nice, too. Like freshly washed linen.


Vigilantly, he took the stair case, keeping left as he did so. At the bottom of the steps, he hears a door close and he turns around to see that the hallway led farther down the back. He looks at each cream-colored door that is separated by increments of maybe four feet each, and he knows that that must be where the men go to get their sexual release.

Bucky continues down the hallway towards the front. He sees a woman come from the top of the second pair of staircase down ahead, and he quickly finds a small entrance to what he hopes is a closet, and hides. With practice, he's able to keep hidden but also keep his eye on the woman.

She wears a long white coat, that looks like faux leather, with a hood pulled over her blonde curls. The coat reaches the bottom of her knees. She wears high strapped nude heels that makes a sensual sound as she walks over the marble floors. Bucky takes note of the key she has in her hand. Bucky watches as she unlocks one of the inviting doors, going in, and then closing it behind her.

He wonders if that said door was for the men he had seen outside. He decides to continue his search as he pushes himself off the side of the wall. Sensing the sight is still clear, he continues to the rooms behind the second staircase, to the left he sees another hallway — Jesus hell — and to the right a door. He decides to make a left.

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