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"Take my hand

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"Take my hand." Steve says.

You can't make sense of words anymore, but you do it; almost instinctually.

You take his hand and you squeeze. Hard.

You're not even doing half the work to push as you feel your lower body naturally pushing. You couldn't control it or hold it anymore. It was doing it on its own.

"You need to help it a little bit, honey. I know you're tired but you have to push."

Jessica said from between your legs.

Steve and Sharon stood by your head. You couldn't tell if Steve looked concerned or ready to pass out.

You shook your head exhaustedly.

"No, I don't need to."

"Yes, you do."

An excruciating pain ran through your cervix and canal and you let out a strong scream. It couldn't fit, your baby couldn't fit out.

"I can't do this!" You screamed.

"You can, you can. You just have to push."

You let out another scream as another pain shot through you.

"I can't!" You sobbed through clench teeth, holding Steve's hand tighter. You looked up at him, tears running down your face. He wiped your face with this fingers as he gave you a sympathetic look, "I'm so tired I just want to sleep, and my chest is hurting." You whined.

Steve closed his eyes tightly together and brought his forehead down to yours.

He brought your hand to his chest and held it there tightly until he knew you had a firm grip but could also feel his heart beat.

"Look at me." You do, "my best friend is crazy about you. Who knows what he has planned for you and him, but I know it's a lot. You and this child, is his life now. The two of you are his family. You are a family, and you have so much in store still to come. I know this, but if you don't push, if you don't give me that little push that baby needs," you sobbed openly at what he was in insinuating, "we need you here. We need the both of you. The baby needs its mom just as much as you need it, and as much as my best friend needs the both of you. I know you're tired, but use that strength I know you still have left in you, that one little level of strength, and give me a push. You can do it. You can do it."

You hold his stare as you lean forward and grab his hand again, almost sitting up a little more.

He knew what you were doing and his heart grew with hope. You were holding on for dear life.

"That's it, use my arm. I'll help you. Hold on to me if you need." You grabbed onto his arm tighter as he grabbed you back. With his other hand he grabbed the back of your knee.

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