Now You're Slipping Through My Fingers

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"You're safe

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"You're safe." He says, exhausted.

You pull away from him, still keeping a hand on the side of his neck as you stare down his body.

"I'm safe? You— you're alive." You say almost in disbelief, "H-how? I-"

His metal hand goes to your arm and trailing it up to your face, he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I couldn't run. I had to be careful. That's why it took me so long," simple explanation that only but tore your emotions in two. A lonely tear runs down your cheek as he continues, "being an assassin for so long finally paid off. Except for the shot to my shoulder when I was a couple hundred of feet away from the exit." He ends with a grimace on his face and your face quickly falls, eyes going to his shoulder in panic, "Bitch hurt like a motherfucker."

"They shot you?"

"It bounced off the vibranium and grazed the skin. I'm fine. Nothing a couple of hours super soldier serum can't fix." He says, smile not nearly reaching his eyes yet.

You're still in shock.

You pull him down until his forehead against yours.

The small joking moment passes fairly quickly. A cool breeze blows through.

"I thought you were gone. I thought," you swallow thickly, "I thought we lost you."

Bucky's eyes close together and he leans down and runs his lips over yours in a gentle kiss.

"I'm here, baby."

Life couldn't get any sweeter than this. Of that, you were convinced.

+ + +

Three days of revised sleep shifts and sipping water and eating trail mix. Only thing that wasn't messy, wouldn't spoil, and could you fueled for just enough time. During your shifts when you were awake you watched with heart full as Bucky and Ashens slept contently, nightmares free.

During Bucky's shifts, his face remained blank and void of emotion.

He was scared to be real right now and for the right reasons.

On the evening of the third day, you finally arrived.

You did not expect this. You had even told the nice girl Jessica, before you left, that you doubted you'd ever even be back here after the mission. You figured you'd somehow end up getting yourself killed after courageously killing your parent's killer with your own hands just like you had pictured it for years in your head, and that'd you'd do it with your nemesis Bucky by your said.

Everything couldn't be further from what really happened.

Everything literally went not according to your plan, in the best way possible.

Walking through the familiar pathway between the bushes and passed two tress, the three of you (dirty from dirt, tired, and awfully hot) finally step foot into the familiar camp.

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