No Longer Laid Bare

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WHEN YOU eventually pulled away from each other, you could feel your fury emanating outwards and into the air around you

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WHEN YOU eventually pulled away from each other, you could feel your fury emanating outwards and into the air around you. The air was dense and thick with tension, an obvious, but silent, declaration that you wanted to get away.

From what? You weren't sure.

You weren't sure if you wanted to get away because you needed room to breathe and think or because you felt like you were going to hit something. More specifically, hit him.

You've never in your life felt this kind of rage, ever. You were furious.

You both let go of Ashens, and you walked off to the side, running both your hands up your face and into your hair.

You could still feel Bucky's eyes digging into your back as you tried to think of what do next and that, him looking at you, itself wasn't helping you.

You felt lost and yet so aware at the same exact time. You didn't know how that was possible.

For the first time in your life, you never wanted to shout at someone so badly before.

Shout, scream, and yell.

You open and close your left hand, stretching the fingers meticulously until you felt them bend and unbend repeatedly.

You wanted to hurt him the way he made you feel hurt for so long.

You could hear him say your name softly, but you don't turn around.

You couldn't look at him right now.

Bucky swallows thickly, gaze drifting back to the little boy in the center of the room.

You don't know what he tells him, but you can hear the unmistakable whispering, followed by Ashen's small sniffles.

You didn't like how well they both got along. You didn't like how it made your heart flutter when you watched them interact.

Everything about this angered you. The flutter in your heart angered you.

Him making you look and feel crazy all these months when you had actually been right angered you.

It didn't take much longer than a few minutes for you both to say your goodbyes to Ashens.

You needed to get out out here.

You feel Bucky's hand on your arm as he comes up around you, his intense stare on the side of your face. You can literally feel his eyes on you.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks sincerely. His voice was like melted butter but you feel anything but soothed by it.

How could you? You want to shout in his face. You don't look at him, instead just giving him a slight nod. You can feel his hot touch on you, sinking into your bones as he pulls you aside.

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