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Are you sure it wasn't love?

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Are you sure it wasn't love?

It's a question that leaves you on edge and quickly doubting your changed behavior. Your eyes dart over the carpeted floor and you feel the air grow tight within your chest. It burns like sharp knives, one of them twisting right down the middle of your stomach, making your mouth instantly dry.

Your lie was so good you even had yourself convinced you had moved on and that he meant nothing to you. Bucky Barnes still meant more to you.

Before him, you were much stronger and independent. Though it seemed that whenever his presence was near you, you quickly fell apart. His affect on you angered you. You were irrevocably upset with how you subconsciously always reacted to him. You didn't want to feel the need to feel his lips on yours, his body on yours, and the one thing you wanted the most: his time.

As his cool fingers - one flesh, one metal - touched the skin of your shoulders, you wondered if you really did read him wrong. Was it possible that he really didn't feel the heat between you two?

+ + +

This moment was everything he didn't want to happen, but it was happening. How couldn't it when you looked so captivatingly sinful? And it was for another man; for a mission. Nothing about this moment was natural or deliberately amorous. He knew he had no right to feel territorial. You weren't his and he wasn't yours.

He still couldn't stand your attitude, your snarky comments, and your coarse personality. You were everything he never looked for.

So why couldn't he burn out the hot flame in his gut that he's felt since the moment he first laid eyes on you? Why did you make him so afraid that he's felt no other reason but to push you farther and farther away?

He knew why.

When he had first met you, his reaction had been strictly emotional. You set his emotions on fire. You were young and naive, too vain to know that not everything was about you. You were simply a kid he felt he needed to stay away from, because he did feel attracted to your courage nature, something that left him on edge.

But that's all it had been.

Now, in front of him in a pair of lace underwear and bra covering barely anything, he sees just how much of a woman you are.

He hears the rummaging in the next room, and something inside of him continues to scream at him. Don't stop touching. He hates everything about this, he detests it.

You had tried to make something happen and he was the one who turned you down; the ball had been in his court for the better half of a month. He had his motives for doing so, one being that it was true: he had no romantic feelings for you. He felt something, but it wasn't romance. He wouldn't lead you on and tell you he felt the same way. The second reason was because even if he were to finally let someone in again, he couldn't risk that hurt he would feel if something were to happen.

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