Just Us

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𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢

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𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢. 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐.

The night was dry but warm. Everyone was huddled either in their tent or outside, the atmosphere changed from an arrival of a baby. You could confuse it with optimism.

Steve had been with you, asking how you were doing. You weren't dehydrated anymore, but your exhaustion was still palpable. There was also something else about you he couldn't pin point. He wasn't sure if it was because you had experienced something so raw and exposed with him, though he was ready to bet that wasn't it, or if this is what people always talked about when they say a woman sometimes goes through this significant emotional change.

You were being very quiet and reserved.

The last twenty four hours felt surreal to everyone. Surreal and scary. The last affects still lingered around camp.

He runs a hand through his hair and he's is about halfway to his own tent when commotion begins around him. He watches as some people get up and walk over to where the beginnings of the deep forest begins. It's then that he sees the shadows emerging from the woods.

It doesn't take longer than a second for him to realize who it was.

He smiles.

Steve feels a sense of relief come over him and he follows the crowd. Bucky meets his eyes immediately, even ten yards away.

Steve is happy to see Bucky and Bruce made it back safely, and he's glad to see that smile on his best friend's face. He already looked better. He couldn't imagine how happier he would be when Steve gave him the news.

Approaching them, Steve halts and his whole demeanor closes in.

There's a woman with them. A blonde and pretty woman. Steve frowns as she smile, and it hits him how familiar she is.

And just like that, his stomach grows cold and he takes a step back.

He then notices the little girl too. Hesitancy.

Steve meets Bucky's gaze again, but this time he's not looking at him with optimism.

He notices Bucky's swallow thickly and as he turns to Bruce and the girls and tells them he'll speak to Steve real quick.

The action; It was immediate. Bucky's back goes rigid as he doesn't hesitate to grab his friend's arm and pull him aside.

Shock, and a slightly bit of...disappointment? That's what Steve feels.

Once they are clear out of ear shot, Bucky turns to him.

"Look, I know there's a lot we need to talk about, and we will. I promise."

Steve stops in his steps and turns to face his best friend. His eyes are dark and his features strong and accusing.

"Buck. That's—" Steve's eyes searches his and then he looks over his shoulder. He clears his throat, "It's Daisy, Buck," Bucky nods, "How—she was dead. But she's not dead? She was in the capitol?" Bucky can practically see the questions swirling in Steve's head.

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