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You're in the shower when his arms come up around you and you feel him suck in a sharp breath

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You're in the shower when his arms come up around you and you feel him suck in a sharp breath.

You slowly fall into his embrace, a wide smile taking over your face.

"Hey, you." he whispers against your temple, his voice still rough and deep from having just woken up, "Morning." He mumbles, holding you even tighter against his chest.

You moan delightfully, running your right hand over his arm, letting it linger over his skin.

"Good morning." You let out a soft moan as you feel his lips on your neck. You tilt your head to the opposite side, letting your head fall back against him. His lips trail down over your shoulder.

"Last night was amazing." He whispers.

You moan.

"It was." You say.

"You're absolutely breathtaking."

"Bucky." You sigh in contentment as he continues to leave kisses over your shoulder until he settles his chin on it.

You spin around until you're facing him and you take this moment in. The hot water cascades over the both of you and he's staring at you, mesmerized.

You raise your hand to the side of his wet face where the water has soaked him and you lay your fingers on his temple. He raises his own flesh hand to your chin, running his thumb over your bottom limp which is now swollen.

Something weird happens then. Maybe it's mythical, all you both know is that it isn't normal. A cold rush passes between the both of you and he feels deep happiness and calm. The strange part was, so did you. It was as if you could feel everything he was feeling, everything he had felt in his past life.

"Bucky, what is that?" You ask, terrified.

You felt similar feelings to this when you first started spending time together, and he had always felt greatly affected by your empathy, but this was different. This was that, magnified by a hundred. You could literally feel his pain being wiped away so strongly that it felt like you were in his shoes. At that moment, he somehow knew you could feel it too and it brought tears to his eyes.

"I don't know," he whispers.

He leans down and captures you in a deep kiss. You see a flash of blue light up behind your eyes, and you feel his torture inside of you. You can feel him pouring his relief into you, and his feeling of liberation. It isn't until his tongue touches yours, and he's got your legs hooked over his waist that you realize it's you transferring the feeling of freedom into him.

He feels it escaping you and it warms him from head to toe. He becomes addicted to it, even if what's happening terrifies him and you both know you need to acknowledge it.

He cups your neck as he deepens the kiss even more and you feel his grip tighten on your thigh.

You can feel the tip of his dick at your entrance and you rub yourself against him. It takes a few seconds before you feel him pushing into you.

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