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You get there on a dry and sunny day.

The temperature must've been in the low seventies, and the sky was a pristine blue.

There was not one cloud in the sky.

Breaths held tight and heads held high, you all approached a gate.

On either side of it there were beautiful green sugar maple trees that went on for miles.

The gate was copper, leaves and snow flakes detailing covered its perimeter. The snow flakes circled the top of it, like a crown.

Underneath that, it read welcome, in small letters.


The gate creaked under Steve's hand as he rest his hand in it. He twists the lock, breaking it with skill.

He pushes just slightly and it groans loudly, its doors opening.

Everyone stands there quietly, waiting for hell to break loose, waiting for anything to go wrong, but it doesn't happen.

The bad doesn't happen.

It was quiet and calm as everyone held their breath.

As the doors stretched open and more of the town was revealed, the more it started to sink in for everyone that this was legit. It felt unbelievable.

You try to find Daisy to see if she shows any reaction that could be differently than everyone else's. Sue you for being curious.

You find her.

She stands there next to a couple of other girls, her two kids with her.

The look in her eyes breaks your heart.

You try to put your obvious jealousy, and intense doubt, to the side for one second and just think about how this was a woman whose life was taken from her almost similarly's to Buckys'.

Daisy's reaction was a genuine one, and similar to everyone else's right now.

You watch as she brushes a tear off her cheek and then crouches down to talk to Sophie.

You let out a long breath.

You attention goes back to Steve.

He is the first to walk onto the clear street. He is cautious, still inclined to hold everyone back until he's certain it is safe. He scouts for a few minutes while chatter begins around you again. The voices raise in volume, and the smell of fresh air feels lovely.

You all watch as Steve runs a hand through his hair.

It was as if he was in awe, too.

Eventually, he waves for everyone else to follow, a sign that the coast was clear.

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