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"Do you think they're there yet?" You ask worried, looking over at Steve who was collecting more firewood for the night

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"Do you think they're there yet?" You ask worried, looking over at Steve who was collecting more firewood for the night.

"They should have gotten there last night." Steve says, bending down next to your feet.

You watch as he effortlessly picks up and carries a larger log that you know he'll be splitting in half in about three seconds with his bare hands.

You look away and instead turn your attention to Will who's sitting next to the already burning fire next to his and Ashens' shared tent.

"I was just so angry when he told me, you know? How could he have kept that from me? I was so scared when I found out. I think he's more scared than me because of the speech he gave right before," your voice trails off as you direct your attention back to Steve who already has the split log, one piece in each hand, "But we have the blood and we have Bruce. I'm more scared of him going back in there knowing hydra knows he's alive, and that they know he was there, and them going after him, and I'm still mad he kept it from me."

It was quite a list, but what the hell.

"Like you said, you know he'll be okay," Steve says seriously, "Something tells me he will be okay, and I think you sense that too. Us super soldiers, none of us had the virus before, so there was no way to even have a trial period or some kind of test, but after knowing this little boy survived, and if he's got the serum in his veins, even with Ashens' blood, Bucky might still be okay either way." You know he has a point. You merely nod, bending down and picking up a twig.

You both continue that way for a while longer.

"You're more optimistic than Will is, that's for sure."

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"Offered to help with the baby incase anything were to happen to Bucky over there."

Steve stares at you for a moment longer before shaking his head with a short laugh.

"You're right. Not very optimistic, I'll give him that." You hear Steve sigh, "I didn't expect this. You two."

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