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Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat

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Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat

I hope it's gonna make you notice

+ + +

"...I'm in the military, sir..."

"...James, that's my father, okay? If anything, let's just be glad he didn't kill you. He's like that with everyone...And the soldier thing, he's weird about that. I'm not sure why..."

+ + +

Bucky lies awake in bed, fluffy pillow behind his head and one leg peeking out from the blankets, as random memories knack away at his brain in pulses. They weren't new memories, but they were memories that he never looked at the way he was now.

He doesn't know why now, he doesn't know what triggered it, but they were clicking together.

After years of replaying the same moments in his head, there was a nagging feeling that was telling him that there was something not adding up.

He doesn't know if it's because he's seeing things differently, if he's feeling things differently.

Whatever it was, he knew there was

There was something off about Daisy's story about her dad's story, something was off about the way he was against Bucky fighting in the military, and her death was coinciding so much with his capture.

He doesn't like the feeling in his stomach as he remembers.

When Bucky asked about her brother and what that whole commotion back at the club was she was blatantly honest with him.

"My father's not a good guy. He's been wanting some something from one of these performers that was suppose to be there last night, but turns out they weren't even on the set list. He had lied about it, we don't know where he is."

Bucky raises a brow at this, "You do his dirty work for him?"

"No, I don't like to get involved in that. It's a dangerous lifestyle. I have to think about my future family. I was only there yesterday because my brother wanted to get me out of the house for once."

Bucky isn't too gleam on the fact that her family are borderline criminals and that she basically supports it, and for a fraction of a second he almost doesn't buy it, but he decides to mention this later on, not wanting to ruin their moment.

Bucky shifts his leg as he continues to remember that conversation. Why was he not against it? Why did he never question the crimes? Was he that distracted by her?

Bucky smiles at her comment, but then his brows furrowed together in an adorable way that made Daisy giggle and bring her hand to his cheek, "What is it, James?"

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