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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y s e v e n|

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{S A F F R O N}

All of a sudden, I felt the ground shake beneath me as I ran to the door and saw none other than the one and only, Smaug. He was spewing fire all over Lake-Town, screaming and cries off horror were heard clearly from the town below us.

"There's no time," I stated, instantly grabbing Sigrid, Tilda, and Bain, pulling them to the door. "We must leave," I stated, opening the back door down to where the boat was. "Fili," I paused. "Help Kili while I bring the kids down." I ran down the stairs with the three kids following directly behind me along with Oin and Bofur.

Once I placed the kids and my two friends into the boat, I ran back upstairs to make sure Fili and Kili would come down safely.

"-I'm fine, I can walk," I heard Kili say rudely to his brother just as I saw him shove Fili's grip off of his shoulder.

"We must hurry," I stated before the two of them began to rush down the stairs just as I noticed Tilda's doll was lying down near the end of the house on the chair. I quickly hurried to the doll just as Smaug flew over, spewing fire on top of Bard's house, causing parts of the roof to crash down. I ran as fast as I could, just bypassing the beam for the roof as it fell behind me. I rushed down the stairs, climbing into the boat and handing Tilda her doll.

"We're not leaving, not without our father," Bain stated firmly staring me dead in the eyes as I untied the rope to the boat.

"Bain," I passed grabbing the paddles. "If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?" I questioned him sternly before he shook his head. "Alright let's go," I said rushing out and away from the now burning house from above.

"Over there!" Bofur shouted towards a safe opening that laid ahead of us. We rowed as fast as we could towards the safe passage way, passing through safely.

"Quickly now, hurry!" Fili yelled as we all watched out for Smaug from up above as he flew directly above us. We continued to scurry as fast as we possibly could through Lake-Town as Smaug continued his reign of terror, breathing fire everywhere he flew. We continued to row down pathways trying to exit the dangers of Laketown.


We continued to row the boat through to city blocking the burnt logs that were coming our way. I looked around us for any danger that could possibly be in sight, but once I looked up, I saw Bard with his bow and arrows aiming for the dragon.

"DA!" Bain yelled in horror, watching his father risk his life to save many more innocents.

"DA!" Tilda yelled in fear as Bard kept shooting directly towards Smaug, but the arrows bounced off too easily. Sigrid gripped her younger sister into her grasp, holding her close to her chest.

"He hit it! He hit the dragon!" Kili yelled in confusion, wondering why the arrows weren't piercing through his scales.

"No," Fili muttered to himself as I shook my head in disbelief.

"He did," Kili exclaimed. "He hit it's mark, I saw!" I sighed in aggravation, knowing only the black arrow could finish his duties.

"Those arrows can not pierce his mark," I exhaled a deep breath I had been holding. "Only the black arrow can defeat Smaug," I stated looking to Kili as he stared hopelessly. Then all of a sudden, Bain jumped from the boat and onto the dock from some sort of hook as people all around screamed and cried in horror.

"BAIN!" I shouted in fear just as he began to run off. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled trying to at least stop him, hoping he'd change his mind.

"COME BACK! BAIN! COME BACK!" Sigrid yelled in fright as Tilda buried her face into her sisters chest, small tears falling from the child's eyes as she gripped the doll in her grasp tightly.

"COME BACK HERE!" Fili yelled from the fear of knowing he could easily die from this sort of situation.

"Bain," I whispered, trying to contain myself from the tears that threatened to spill. There's no way he's going to make it out there alive.

"Bain! He's gone!" Tilda cried out as she watched her brother disappear past a corner, not ever knowing if she was going to see her brother ever again.

"Don't worry, Tilda," I breathed out hoping I wasn't about to lie with the words that are just about to escape my mouth. "He'll be fine." I placed a reassuring hand on the little girls shoulder, somehow hoping he would survive this living hell.

"What about Da?" She questioned, staring up directly to me with teary eyes, a sigh escaping my lips.

"I," I paused. "I don't know," I said as I held in the burning tears that wanted to escape, the bow continuously heading towards the safe haven exit to the ruins of Dale.

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