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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

         I sat peacefully by the fire, gazing upon the vivid flames and sparks within the dark night. I was mesmerized by each particular dancing vibrant red flame lifting continuously as the heat surrounded my figure. I glanced upon each dwarf, seeing each of the men doing something to occupy their time; whether it was sleeping, fiddling with the dirt, interacting with one another, or cooking for the whole crew.

     "Come on, Bombur. We're hungry," Thorin exclaimed bluntly as he began to walk towards the old farmhouse that had been abandoned many moons passed. I stood up from where I had been resting for a certain amount of time, heading over to Bofur who cooked the food peacefully.

     "Does he ever bark orders with kind manners?" I questioned, looking up to bofur as he stirred the soup over the fire nodding his head; completely ignoring my question before placing two bowls of soup within my grasp.

      "Here, do us a favor. Take this to the lads," Bofur stated in all seriousness. "Stop it. You've had plenty," he exhaled deeply, hitting Bombour's hands away from the fresh hot pot of stew. I chuckled slightly at his words before my uncle had caught up to my figure, not having anything better to do than help my side. We walked peacefully throughout the woods, the bright moon allowing a great source of light for the pathway leading to where the two brothers kept the horses with a watchful eye.

     We approached the two men, standing alert with nothing but a posture of discernment and somewhat a sense of fear radiating off their figures. I exchanged an uneasy glance with my uncle as we looked to one another with confusion. I looked to the figures, stepping up closer, lifting myself over a log at the process; my uncle following my actions.

      "Is there something wrong?" I questioned, glancing between the two men before me, their gazes transfixed upon the grazing ponies; each pony seeming to be in a state of peace.

     "We're supposed to be looking after the ponies," Kili paused, his gaze never leaving such a sight before him. My brows furrowed, myself knowing this was in fact their duty in line.

     "Only we've encountered a uh," Fili paused, turning his gaze from the ponies before looking to me uneasily. "A slight problem." I looked to the ponies once again, a few of them shuffling their feet.

     "We had sixteen," Kili paused, looking to me from where he stood; alerted.

     "Now there's fourteen," Fili finished, the four of us exchanging glances. "There is good news, at least," Fili breathed out hopefully. "We know which ones are missing."

     "Daisy and Bungo," Kili spoke up as we walked through the heard of ponies. I stopped in my tracks looking to Kili, only one thing being placed on my conscious in a frightful manner.

     "Were you including my pony as well?" I questioned, receiving an awkward glance from the two brothers.

     "Not that we know of," Kili exhaled effortlessly as I looked to Fili for recognition only to receive a shrug of discomfort.

     "Well, that's not good," Bilbo spoke up as I nodded my head in agreement, not seeing a sign of Lakota anywhere. "Not good at all," my uncle mumbled as I looked down to the bowl of soup that presented itself within my grasp. "Shouldn't we tell Thorin?"

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