|t w e n t y f i v e|

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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y f i v e|

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{S A F F R O N}

"Hold him down," I ordered as I gripped the Athelas that had been soaking in the bowl of water Bofur had granted me. I shredded the weed into the water, opening the healing plant as I gripped the small pieces, rubbing them into the palms of my hands. "Menno o nin na hon," I chanted, closing my eyes. "I eliad annen annin," I placed the Athelas onto Kili's wound as he yelled vigorously from the instant burning sensation. "Hon leitho o ngurth." He screamed from the pain, lifting his back off the wooden table.

"Tilda!" Sigrid shouted, ordering her younger sister to helped holding him down. Kili's orbs weren't his loving, golden brown eyes, they were nearly a white glaze from how deep the poison had entered into his body.

"Menno o nin na hon," I chanted once again, pressing the Athelas to his wound. "I eliad annen annin," I breathed out as Kili's breaths became more calming. "Hon leitho o ngurth," I inhaled a deep breath, looking down to Kili, noticing his eyes had been changed. "Menno o nin na hon," I breathed out once again, watching him still wince and furrow his brows from the pain. "I eliad annen annin," I inhaled a deep breath, watching his gaze fall on me, his chest rising more calmly than ever. "Hon leitho o ngurth," I finished as he looked to me in such a way I couldn't quite grasp. He looked to me in a way I had never seen done before by anyone.

His eyes became droopy, he laid his head against the table, his breaths becoming more and more steady. He began to flutter his eyes close, calming down before a deep rest had taken him for just a little while. The pain in my side was noticeable, but I knew I had to wrap it up before it bled anymore. I sat down on the chair next to Kili's resting body, catching my breath before I lifted up my shirt.

I grabbed some of the spare Athelas, placing it against my wound as I winced slightly. I grabbed some cloth that was laying against the table before standing up and wrapping it around my stomach and against my wound. I finished overlapping the cloth before tying it securely.

"Are you alright?" Sigrid questioned stepping up closer to me, looking down with worry written across her face. I smiled nodding my head.

"I'm alright," I looked down to my wound. "I'll be alright," I stated looking up to the young woman. "It didn't go very deep." She nodded her head before I looked up to Fili, Oin, and Bofur as they talked amongst each other. I stood to my feet grabbing the clean cloth I was going to use to wrap up Kili's thigh. I began gently wrapping his thigh, being cautious of his wound that was almost instantly healed.

"Saffron," He whispered my name calmly as I looked over to him, a smile planted onto my face.

"I am here," I breathed out tying his cloth. "Lie still," I spoke gently, placing a reassuring hand against his forearm. I pulled my hand back to finishing his bandaged wound.

"You cannot be her," He whispered softly, causing me to stop what I was doing, as I lifted my head, listening. "She is far away," he paused. "She, she is far," he inhaled a small breath. "Far away from me," He paused looking up to me in such a way I didn't understand. "She walks in starlight in another world," I held in the tears, understanding, knowing what he was saying. "It was just a dream," he breathed out as I looked down to Kili, meeting his eyes. I then felt his hand caress against my fingertips, feeling his touch like never before. "Do you think she could've loved me?" He questioned, his voice soft, with a breathlessly effort.

I looked down, holding in the burning tears that wanted to fall from my eyes. I knew what he wanted, I knew what he wished to be granted, I know now what he truly felt. My thoughts raced to a million different directions, my mind confused and almost in shock. How could anyone, yet alone Kili, love me in such a way that meant so much, I had no words.

I felt his soft hand caress my cheek as I looked down to him with glossed eyes, not knowing what to say to the man that laid before me. I stared deep into his eyes, his golden brown orbs filled with sadness and sorrow.

"Kili I- I..." I stuttered, not knowing whether to say something or say nothing at all. He looked to me, sitting himself up from the table, hovering over me as I looked up into his eyes. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, watching every movement I made. He looked down to me in such a way that made my entire body tremble. He gently placed his hand softly behind my neck, pulling me closer and closer to his face. I felt his hot breath brush against my nose as I glanced from his eyes down to his lips.

I felt my entire body heat up from the inside out, his lips slowly coming closer to mine as he placed his other hand against the side of my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb. His gaze was transfixed onto my lips before he pulled me close as our lips brushed against each other gently. He smashed his lips into mine, my mind racing as my hand began reaching up to his cheek before my fingers brushed through his hair gently.

Kili then broke away the kiss, looking down almost ashamed for his actions as I brushed my hand through my hair. "I- I'm sorry," he apologized looking away from my sight as I turned my body, facing the window, seeing the dark night before me. "I- I shouldn't have done that," he stated as I looked up to the ceiling, not knowing what to say in the moment I had just witnessed.

"Kili... I-"

"I know," he cut me off as I turned to face him, he looked down to his hands in shame before looking up, meeting my eyes once again. "I understand," He said not letting me finish my words.

"Kili, I d-"

"I understand, Saffron," he cut me off staring directly into my eyes bluntly. "Just," he paused shaking his head. "Don't," He finished, looking away from my sight as I turned my body away from him once again. I walked towards the fire that burned brightly in the dark room as Sigrid and Tilda rested peacefully across the room in their beds.

I sat there by the fire, realizing the connection I felt the moment we shared that moment. I knew something clicked inside me, when I looked to him after that moment, I felt something deep within me. Something I had never felt before I entered this world. Something I had never thought or spoke of in my existence. I... I loved him. I knew I did, I felt it in ever part of me. I loved Kili, I know I did.

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