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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     I could smell the sweet aroma of my uncles cooking as I turned from my room, my hand gripping the beautiful handle of my door, exiting, and shutting quietly behind me. I directed myself towards the kitchen, smelling the amazing redolence. I hummed in delight, getting a stronger whiff of the meal Bilbo was preparing. "Your meals and beverages are worth more than you think," I consoled with a smile as he placing our plates of food down onto the table. 

     "Thank you," he replied with a warm grin as we both sat down at the table, ready to devour into the food that was evenly placed before us. Just then, within a moment of complete silence, a ring was heard from the front door as I watched my my uncle furrow his brows in confusion.

     "Are we expecting someone?" I questioned as Bilbo and I exchanged confused glances. Bilbo stood to his feet, steadily heading over to the front door, not entirely sure of who could possibly be knocking at this time of hour. I stood to my feet, stopping just between the door frame of the entrance into the kitchen as I leaned my body against the door frame, crossing my arms over my chest with a raised brow.

     "Dwalin, at your service," a mans deep, broad, and forceful voice threw me off guard before my eyes met the man that was standing in front of my uncle. He was tall, looked furious, and mostly resembled a wild steer swine boar.

     "Bilbo," my uncle paused, "Baggins—" he introduced himself while tying his robe, "—at yours," he finished looking to the man named Dwalin standing just before him with a glance of determination. "Do we know each other?" My uncle questioned curiously as Dwalin pushed his way in rather rudely, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

     "No," he stated bluntly, beginning to detach his cloak that clipped around his neck. "Which way, miss? Is it down here?" He questioned, throwing me off guard for a bit as my brows furrowed in complete shock. "Forgive me, milady," Dwalin addressed professionally, sending a generous grin my way. "My disrespectful deeds shall be the death of me," he exhaled, placing a gentle kiss upon my outer palm, somehow persuading me that this man possibly wasn't as terrible as I imagined.

     "Is- Is what down where?" Bilbo questioned, stuttering slightly at the sight before him, just as Dwalin placed his cloak into my grasp kindly with a cheeky grin.

     "Supper," he breathed out; answering my uncles question, "he said there'd be food and lots of it." Dwalin continued to gaze upon the house that seemed rather too short for his height. I glanced over to my uncle, Bilbo, for explanation on what exactly was indeed and most surely happening.

     "H- He said?" Bilbo paused, "who said?" The Dwarf then sat down at our table and began scarfing down the food that was placed before him. I couldn't help but feel pity for the man's appetite, seeing as if he hadn't sage in days. I then remembered what still remained in my grasp as I looked down to see Dwalin's cloak resting in my hands before I turned on the balls of my feet; walking towards our coat rack by the door. I placed the cloak onto the coat hanger, realizing the material was very well taken care of. I was most assuredly positive the cloak was made from a wild wolves fur.  

     "It's just that, um, I wasn't expecting company," I heard my uncle state as I quickly scurried myself back to the kitchen grabbing a fresh apple from the top of the shelf just below the plates. The doorbell almost instantly rang once again, my stomach turning as I looked to my uncle nervously but somewhat excited in a way I couldn't explain. I felt something deep within my soul that was banging on the door of my heart, yearning to tell me that something exciting was going to happen soon; very soon.

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