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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     Lord Elrond lead us to a table with tons of green and healthy food, but I could't help but stop gazing at the beautiful palace that I've dreamed of visiting since I was a young child. Although, from the looks of it, I had visitors this palace before when I was just a innocent soul. Everything was so elegant and... flawless. I had never seen such amazing work and beautiful detail in all my life. I immediately had the urge to look around instead of getting some nutrition in my system.

     "Hey, Come on. Try it," Dori urged Ori on to do so, "Just a mouthful." The dwarf tried to persuade him on eating some delicious healthy greens.

      "I don't like green food," Ori pouted as if this food was a disappointment, placing the piece of lettuce down that he had grasped to take a look at. I smiled holding in a laugh as I looked back towards the scenery before me.

     "Where's the meat?" Dwalin questioned rationally while picking through a salad with his bear dirty hands.

      "Have they got any chips?" Ori wondered before I turned my gaze back to all the dwarves. I decided to grab a piece of lettuce and try it out just plain, since I always knew at the end of the leaf it was more juicy. I took a bight and instantly closed my eyes, sighing in satisfaction at how wonderful and fresh these greens were.

     "How can you eat that?" Bofur questioned as I looked over to where he was sitting; furrowing my brows in confusion at his question.

      "Well master Bofur, it's actually not that bad," I states swallowing the last bit of lettuce in my mouth. "It wouldn't hurt to try it," I exhaled softly, a small grin being lifted from the corner of my mouth as he looked over to his Dwarf friends with surprise. I had then turned my attention back towards the Elvin scenery before me, my gaze falling upon an Elvin guard who stood boldly; doing his duty. The guard sent a pleasant smile towards my way as I bowed my head in respect before my gaze fell back upon Dwarves.

      I couldn't help but notice the sudden pair of eyes that had been glued to my figure but none other than Kili, his emotions seeming to drain slightly at the connection I had with the Elf; our kind gestures between the two of us. Kili turned his head away from my figure before laughing and exclaiming along with the rest of his Dwarven friends. I didn't quite understand that small misunderstood commotion that had happened; my eyes trailing along slowly before my vision laid upon Bilbo, who was sitting with Thorin, Gandalf, and Lord Elrond.

      I turned my gaze, looking upon the beautiful mountain tops and colorful skies before me, but I just couldn't help but wanting to venture through the palace, and that was exactly my plan. I turned to the Dwarves one last time, grabbing the hand cloth napkin to the right of my arm and wiping my lips gently.

     "If you'll excuse me," I exhaled quietly, placing the napkin down on the table before standing up and walking past the Elven guard, a confused expression upon his face but he quickly shrugged it off. I began walking along the pathway throughout the halls of Rivendell, many doors with designs unimaginable, my mind in a state of complete satisfaction. I gazed in awe at my surroundings and all the wonderful elegance of this blessed palace.

     I continued down the path withholding peace and quiet, the kind birds chirping in such a beautiful way that seemed to almost smooth your heart calmly. I continued to venture through, walking quietly till I stopped in my tracks, my eyes falling upon something that stirred unevenly in the pit of my chest, my heart wrenching slightly at the sight before me. There was a painting, a painting that was designed with a remorseful heart; you could feel it the moment your eyes laid upon such a sight.

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