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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     I walked along the peaceful forest, the birds chirping in the air, the leaves blowing within the rhythm of the wind, my soul finally in the midst of peace; my heart calming at a steady pace. The Dwarves has been aroused by a cave troll that was just merely down the road from where I was currently standing. I was able to scurry a quick Elven sword that had been bestowed in such a dark foul place, admiring such weaponry with detail beyond imaginable.

     Soon enough, the Dwarves has found their way close to where I stood; most of them resting after the incident in which we all encountered. I still couldn't quite understand why I had been gifted with my father's traits, but they were more of a blessing than rather a burden. I was able to learn my father's native language quicker than most can in a lifetime, and I personally couldn't be more excited to hopefully meet face to face with an Elven creature; even a King, for that matter.

     I looked afar, adjusting my bow that was strapped onto my back securely with my quiver full of the arrows I had made back home and my Elven sword placed into its sheath, in witch the sheath was fastened tightly against the belt around my waist. I glanced below at the Dwarves, noticing Thorin and Gandalf talking to one another like civilized men; but I knew that wasn't the case. There was something much deeper within their interaction of one another; in which I decided I didn't want to know of.

     I had turned from where I stood boldly, walking closer to the company of Dwarves, receiving a few generous glances of recognition rather than ignorance from the King of this venture. I looked upon the Dwarves, noticing each Dwarf secured with a weapon to protect themselves. I didn't quite understand why I became so alert to rein-form myself of such a situation; but there was definitely a reason behind it.

     Just before anything could process through my mind, the sound of bushes being brushed past, twigs against the ground being snapped, and something rushing throughout the woods caused me to be alert instantly in the moment. I looked upon where the noise was coming from, the Dwarves noticing my uneasy posture; the few of them standing in complete vigilance. 

     "Something's coming!" Thorin shouted, all of us standing alerted, walking closer to where Thorin and Gandalf stood; everyone's hands against their weapons tightly. But, I couldn't help but feel as if it wasn't the same threat we were looking for; my heart unsteady, my chest rising unevenly, and my soul steadfast.

     "Stay together!" Gandlaf ordered as the company grew more closer and closer to one another; each and every one of us alerted even more so.

     "Hurry now! Arm yourselves!" Thorin ordered as I pulled my bow and arrow out into my grasp, readying myself for whatever would come to pass; pointing my weapon in the direction of which I felt where the vigilantly would be uprising himself. 

     "Thieves!" A voice yelled from behind the bushes. "Fire!" It shouted once again; almost too dramatically. "Murder!" A man pulled up in a sled pulled by none other than some sort of Rhosgobel Rabbits. I furrowed my brows in mostly confusion at the sight before me; a wizard of such parts.

     "Ah, Radagast," Gandalf announced with satisfaction, the dwarves exchanging glances with one another. "It's Radagast the Brown," Gandalf stated respectfully as I lowered my bow, putting the arrow back into my quiver. "Well, what on earth are you doing here?" Gandlaf questioned exchanging glances with some of the Dwarves.

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