|t h i r t y n i n e|

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A Journey To Remember
|t h i r t y n i n e|

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{S A F F R O N}

My breaths were steady, my hands were wrapped around my sword's grip, my stance was held strongly, my mind was focused on one thing and one thing only. I was here to protect, I was here to fight, I was here to stand in loyalty for my King, and I was here to kill. The Dwarves stood by my side, armed and ready for the death we were about face, waiting for Thorin's orders.

"Now!" Thorin shouted just as Bombour blew the horn of Erebor, a loud trumpet was sounded from the Mountain as we all looked up to see the bright, golden, large bell swinging down to break through the gate before us. It clashed into the boulders as I threw my hand up to shield my eyes from any access stones that flew past us like sharp knives. We all exchanged glances once it cleared, gripping our swords tightly, looking ahead to the massive field full of war.

We all yelled out with a battle cry before running with our swords and armor to shield us, watching as orcs began bolting towards us with evil repelling from their stench and the strong scent of blood. The Dwarves of Dain's armory stood on the sides of us, waiting to bolt out along with our King.

"To the King!" Dain shouted as the Dwarves of Dain began to shout in anger. "To the King!" He shouted once again as we ran with Thorin leading us boldly into the war before us.

"Du bekar!" Thorin shouted as we cried out in anger, swinging our swords to the evil of the battlefield. I swung my sword fast and hard against the first orc that found its way in front of my sword, slashing his head right off as the blood flew in multiple directions, partly flying upon my face.

I once again continued to swing vigorously with the Dwarves on both sides of my figure, fighting against the evil that tormented this land, orcs finding their way towards me as I stabbed the next one directly in the stomach before I kicked the orc with full force while pulling my sword from his abdomen. I turned my body to the left of me just as an orc stood behind Bofur about to have his way with the dwarf.

"Bofur!" I shouted before stabbing the orc directly in the back of the spine between the shoulder blades, instantly killing the ugly beast as I grunted in frustration. I pulled my sword from the ugly orc's back almost too quickly meeting the eyes of a smiling Dwarf before me.

"Thanks, lassie!" Bofur smiled as I shrugged it off, turning my body towards the rest of the battlefield, the thick scent of fresh blood lingering in the air rather strongly as I continued to kill off the orcs finding their way in my path. I turned my head before seeing a rather large orc, seeming to be a leader of some kind, snaring down at me before I shifted my weight. I turned my sword, inhaling a deep breath before gripping the sword firmly in my grasp as the orc stared me down viciously.

The orc took a swing towards my stomach as I took a large step back before swinging my sword in his direction. Our swords clashed together forcefully as I let out a grunt in anger, his strength being more powerful than expected. He growled angrily before I kicked his abdomen, causing him to stumble slightly before he swung his sword, cutting my left bicep as I cried out in pain. He then kicked me back with full force against my chest as I fell to the ground with a grunt of pain, the air being knocked forcefully from my lungs; my sword escaping my grasp.

The orc managed to place his foot against my throat rather quickly with an evil snare lifted upon his grimacing face as I continuously tried to reach for my sword that laid just inches from my fingers. I grunted in aggravation, squinting my eyes shut in anger, loosing the oxygen I needed in my lungs. My eyes opened slowly, the shimmer of hope leaving my mind as the orc lifted his sword high in the sky readying to slash it right through me.

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