|t w e n t y t h r e e|

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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y t h r e e|

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{S A F F R O N}

Kili had only gotten worse, yelling, twisting, and turning from the shock of pain, horror stowed upon my face before I looked up to Fili. "Bring him to the table!" I shouted as Fili, Bain, and I picked him up from the bed as Tilda and Sigrid cleared the table spotless. Kili continued to yell from the agonizing pain, the poison spreading farther throughout his body. Then out of the blue, the ground beneath us shook as Tilda looked out from the window.

"Da?" Sigrid questioned from the fear, wondering what on Middle Earth could that have been.

"It's coming from the mountain," Bain stated as I whipped my head towards the three children and Bard with worry.

"You should leave us," Fili paused looking to the helpless children. "Take your children and get out of here." Fili suggested as Bard turned to look to us both.

"And go where?" He questioned. "There is no where to go," Bard stated as Tilda came a few steps closer to me from fear.

"Are we going to die, Da?" Tilda questioned, fear coming from the pit of her stomach as Bard looked down to his beautiful child.

"No, darling," Bard stated with a half smile.

"The dragon, it's going to kill us," Tilda stated from fear before Bard looked up above his table, taking down a huge black arrow.

"Not if I kill it first," Bard stated as I nodded my head in agreement before Kili let out a yell from the pain.

"We need Athelas," I mumbled closing my eyes as Fili took a step closer to me in confusion.

"What?" Fili questioned as I looked up to Fili, exchanging glances before I turned my gaze to the front door.

"Kingsfoil," I paused. "The Elve's had another name for it, a spell to heal the sick and drifting souls," I paused still knowing each and every part of the spell. "It could save him," I inhaled a deep breath. "Athelas can save him."

❝A Journey To Remember❞ The Hobbit | KiliWhere stories live. Discover now