|t w e n t y e i g h t|

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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y e i g h t|

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{S A F F R O N}

We were in the boat as I watched Bard using Bain's shoulder to aim at the horrid beast, Smaug. Everyone around us was panicking, screaming, running around like mad men. I looked around seeing, dead men, dead woman, and even dead children on each sides of the town. My heart Ached at the sound and the sight before me, but I knew deep down... I had to help the people. They needed to know to find Dale.

"I have to help them," I breathed out, getting all eyes from the boy. "Fili, Kili," I paused. "Watch over Sigrid and Tilda, be careful." I stated taking one last glance at all my friends. I truly didn't know if this would be the last time I'd ever see them again. Just as I was about to jump off the boat, I felt someone grip my wrist, forcing me to turn around and face the man standing before me. My eyes met Kili's, our faces only a few inches apart, his hot breath brushing against my face.

"I can't lose you," He said firmly with fear and sorrow written on his face, tears burning to be set free. "Not now," he paused looking to the horrid death. "Not ever."

"I have to do the right thing," I stated holding in the tears, my lips quivering slightly. "I can't allow myself to stand by and watch innocent lives be taken when I know I can do something," I stated still not breaking the tension between us. "I have to do this, Kili." I whispered as my eyes beginning to water as a tear slipped down my face. I knew deep down I could die doing this. I could see the same fearful look in his eyes that I felt.

He gently let go of my wrist and nodded his head. I began to turn before his soft voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Saffron," Kili gently spoke with sorrow and hurt trembling in his voice. I turned to face one of the bravest men I had ever met. "Promise me you won't die," he whispered as a small smile was lifted upon my face.

"My pleasure," I breathed out, making a small quick chuckle escape his lips. I saw the pity in his face as he held in the tears that were threatening to spill. I glanced to everyone in the boat, nodding in gratitude before jumping from the boat. I clenched my fists firmly, staying strong, knowing I could do this. I bolted towards the crowds of screaming horrified people.

"EVERYONE!" I shouted as some listened, still running for cover as I did the same. "STAY CALM! GET IN THE BOATS AND ROW TO THE RUINS OF DALE!" I shouted over the cries as I helped push kids along with families and woman onto boats for safety. "EVERYONE, GO NOW!" I shouted looking around, watching more and more and people head to the docks safely. "GO TO THE RUINS OF DALE!" I yelled once again watching elderly, young, sick, and small running to the spare boats up ahead.

My gaze fell around me, making sure everyone was leaving safely, more and more lives being saved. I turned to the left, to look for any other lives behind as my gaze fell on an elderly man, struggling against his wounded leg. I rushed over to the man, helping the man to the boat safely.

I checked all around to make sure everyone was safe, but my eyes only fell on the dead bodies, the blood, the fire, and the burning homes. My breathing becoming heavy as images of my parents began to flash before my eyes, I yelled in frustration, running my hands through my hair before I turned, instantly seeing Smaug fall from the sky.

The dragons body was just about to fall against the area where I had been as I flew form the impact, my back hitting against a wooden stump, before falling and hitting my head directly on the hard ground. I lifted my head slowly, my ears ringing, feeling the blood dripping down my face and into my eyes.

I felt heat, too much heat as I tried to open my eyes, seeing blurry flames in every direction till I realized my body was surrounded by fire. I struggled trying to get to my feet, my vision becoming more blurry as black dots danced in front of my eyes. I pulled myself from the ground, trying my best to stand to my feet before I instantly fell to the floor with a thud. I could feel myself slowly going unconscious, before I heard a familiar voice yelling my name.

"SAFFRON!" I heard the man calling as I blinked vigorously, looking up to see Bard, before feeling an arm wrap strongly around my waist, pulling me up from the ground. He threw my arm over his neck for support as I tried my best to walk with Bard, everything around me completely blurry, confusing my brain as everything spun around.

I felt myself being placed into a boat away from the heat, the blood, and the death of everything in that town. I saw another young figure looking down to me in worry.

"Saffron," Bain's voice echoed around me. "You're going to be fine," he reassured me kindly as I my eyes began to roll to the back of my head. "You're going to be okay,"

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