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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

We were at least in the middle of the lake by now on Bard's barge as we started to go through a mist, after which we nearly hit a large bolder coming out from the water.

"Watch out!" Bofur yelled in fear as Bard smoothly passed the bolder, avoiding any dangerous rocks.

"What are you trying to do?" Thorin paused. "Drown us?" Thorin questioned rather rudely as I looked down at the cold icy water from the side of the boat.

"I was born and bred on these waters, Master Dwarf," Bard respectively stated. "If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here." Bard stated as I smirked slowly placing my hand in the water feeling how cold and icy it felt.

"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lake-man," I heard Dwalin whisper close to me. "I say we throw him over the side and be done with him," Dwalin growled as I rolled my eyes looking to Dwalin.

"Look," I paused. "If you wouldn't like to meet death and this be the end of you journey now," I exhaled. "I suggest you listen and obey his orders." I nodded towards Bard as Dwalin crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh, Bard. He's name's Bard," my uncle stated as I nodded my head agreeing.

"How do you know?" Dwalin questioned looking to both my Uncle and I.

"Uh, we asked him," we finished with a sarcastic smile as if he asked the most in knowledgeable question in the universe.

"I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him," Dwalin stated as I chuckled slightly.

"You don't like anyone," I smiled as my gaze soon fell on Kili, him sitting there by the edge of the boat, supporting his leg. I didn't want to bother his poor soul, but I knew I needed to check up on him. His face was turning pale, he shivered and shook more and more, his temperature rising.

I slowly walked towards Kili before sitting down next to him, a pity smile lifted from my lips placing a reassuring hand on top of his delicate and soft ones. He looked up to me, his eyebrows furrowed from the pain as he looked down to his wound. "How bad does it feel?" I questioned as he moved his hand from mine a bit harshly looking over to the cold water.

"I'm fine," he said bluntly with no expression planted on his face as I mentally cursed to myself knowing I should've just left him alone. I looked up meeting Fili's eyes who seemed just as bit as worried as me. I stood to my feet walking towards Fili, as we stood from the far left of the boat.

"His wound shouldn't be this bad," I glanced over to the dwarves seeing them bicker on about money and coins. "Even if it was infected, his body wouldn't react in such a way." My eyes locked with Fili's as he glanced down at his hands.

"He's going to make it, Saffron," Fili demanded as I nodded my head. "He will," he finished before his gaze was transfixed on something so glamorous. I followed his eyes before seeing the Lonely Mountain so close to Lake-Town up ahead. We were so close, closer than I thought we'd be.

"Bless my beard," Gloin exclaimed as everyone's gaze was transfixed on the mountain ahead. "Take it. Take all of it!" Gloin raised his voice while pulling out a pouch full of coins and blessing.

"The money, quick," Bard demanded walking over to the dwarves quickly. "Give it to me."

"We will pay you when we get our provisions, but not before," Thorin demanded crossing his arms over his chest firmly.

"If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say," Bard stated as my gaze fell to the guards on the docks just up ahead through the fog. "There are guards ahead." Everyone then looked up ahead before bard ordered us to climb into the barrels once again.

"What's he doing?" Dwalin questioned wondering what Bard was doing or saying to the men on the docks.

"He's talking to someone," I heard my uncle whisper aloud. "He's pointing right at us," he stated as I furrowed my eyebrows as what his plan was. "Now they're shaking hands!"

"What?" Thorin questioned angrily.

"He's selling us out," Dwalin automatically assumed, but he made a deal. I had a feeling he was a man of his word. I then heard footsteps coming aboard onto the ship, my breath caught as I covered my mouth, hoping the man wouldn't hear us. But almost instantly, fish began to flood into the barrels we were in, falling onto our heads and filling up the barrel completely.

We were stuck in the barrels a good long while, waiting and waiting as the barge continued on. A few grunting and complaining rather quietly.

"Quiet!" I heard Bard whisper, kicking one of the barrels. "We're approaching the toll gate." Bard finished as we continued before out boat came to a stop.

"Halt! Goods inspection," a man yelled walking on some wooded flooring, most likely a dock. "Papers please!" The man shouted. "Oh, it's you, Bard!" The man seemed to recognize Bard quite well.

"Morning, Percy." Bard replied stepping up towards the front of the boat.

"Anything to declare?" Percy questioned.

"Nothing," Bard said kindly. "But I am cold and tired, and ready for home." He finished, the aroma of dead fish still making me want to puke any minute.

"You and me both." Percy stated as I tried to possibly peak through a crack somehow. "There we are, all in order." Percy stated, but someone else's footsteps came along onto the dock, hearing someone else.

"Not," I heard a step. "So," an exhale. "Fast," the man finished, the sound of a paper crackling. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland realm," I heard him read off something. "Only they're not empty," he came closer, his voice bearing more audible. "Are they Bard? If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman," he inhaled a breath. "Not," he paused. "A fisherman." The man finished.

"That's none of your business," I heard Bard state firmly.

"Wrong," he man quickly states. "It's the Master's business, which makes it my business."

"Oh, come on, Alfrid," Bard exclaimed frustratingly. "Have a heart, people need to eat!"

"These fish are illegal," Alfrid stated as I waited for him to say whatever he wished. "Empty barrels over the side." My heart dropped, my breath caught, I quickly covered my mouth trying my best not to make a single sound.

"You heard him," another voice shouted. "In the canal," the voice demanded as I heard footsteps. "Come on. Get a move on." I felt my barrel being moved, scooted against the wood floor before I began to tilt to the side, hearing fish fall into the water one by one. I gripped the sides of the barrel praying and hoping they'd stop.

"Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce," Bard said trying to save our lives.

"That's not my problem." Alfrid stated bluntly.

"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake? When the rioting starts? Will it be your problem then?" I could hear more fish falling into the water, the tension growing stronger.

"Stop!" Alfrid ordered. "Ever the people's champion, hey, Bard? Protector of the common folk. You might have their favor now, bargeman, but it won't last."

"Raise the gate!" Percy shouted.

"The Master has his eye on you. You'll do well to remember, we know where you live." Alfrid stated, trying his best to sound threatening.

"It's a small town, Alfrid," bard paused as I was place evenly on the deck, the boat beginning to move. "Everyone knows where everyone lives."

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