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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     My body rested comfortably against my featherbed, my eyes finding their way to the glorious light of day peacefully. I turned my body to where I was now laying against my back as I stretched slightly in the process. I turned my head to the right of me, gazing upon the bright colors and greenery from the outside of my window. I exhaled a deep breath, my mind replaying all that had happened within a night. I groaned in frustration, knowing I had a long day of tidying up this hobbit hole.

     I sat up from my bed, looking to the rest of the room, still thinking about the adventure we had been asked to find ourselves upon. I personally thrived to venture out in to the vast lands, to grasp my future; even though the images of my parents death flooded my vision, haunting me till the days I come to pass. I slowly began to walk from my bed and out into the rest of the household, expecting a horrible disaster to be laid out before my eyes. However, I only saw the opposite.

     My gaze was transfixed on the floors, the carpets, the fireplace, the kitchen, the pantry, and basically every single individual detail of the home that was completely and utmost, without a single speckle of dust, glimmering. I was dumbfounded on how they could've managed such a task in such a period of time and in complete silence. I continued to look throughout the household before seeing the contract laying against the bed of the fireplace.

     I lifted the paper from where it was positioned, reading the signatures to see an open blank ability for a signature to be written. I lifted my eyes, gazing upon my surroundings, pondering whether I should sign it or not. My eyes fell back upon the contract before I had made up my mind. I grabbed the quill, dipping it within the black ink on my Uncle's desk and signing the empty slot. I slammed the quill against the table, turning on the balls of my feet before shoving my uncle's bedroom door wide open, startling him as he sat there, reading his lovely book from an old friend of ours.

     "We're going," I breathed out firmly, "whether you like it or not, we're going. I signed it," I exhaled a deep breath as Bilbo slammed his book against his desk, standing to his feet, and gripping a bag of his that he only ever used for special occasions. I looked to him bluntly, knowing I had made up my mind and no one was going to change that under any circumstance.

     "You bet your old dratted grandfather, we're  going," my uncle stated bluntly before he began to pack his bags before my eyes, shocking me beyond belief. I grinned to myself slightly, packing my belongings before I had ran to the stables here in the Shire. I asked for the biggest, strongest, and fearless pony they had and I was in luck. I rushed back to the house, my uncle ready to head out from this good old house of ours, truly not knowing if we'd ever see such a beautiful sight ever again. My uncle hopped onto the back of the large and powerful pony, in which his name was Lakota. We rode fast, we rode hard, and myself knowing exactly which way they had to have gone. I knew all the backgrounds and secret roads like the back of my hand.

      Moments later, we saw the Dwarves up ahead, riding on their own ponies as my uncle and I road Lakota as fast as we could. Lakota galloping at a good steady pace just as we rushed passed the line of dwarves, getting surprised glances and gazes from the crew before we reached the front of the line where Thorin was ahead of all the others.

     "We signed it, Master Oakenshield," I presented respectfully, handing the dwarf the paper before he passed it to Balin for further study. Balin looked to the contract with a steady eye, gazing upon the information before him.

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