|t h i r t y s i x|

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A Journey To Remember
|t h i r t y s i x|

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{S A F F R O N}

We all rested closely the gate of Erebor with our weapons by our sides, the dwarves snoring more loudly then ever; keeping me awake in the process. I shifted my weight, turning my body before looking up to the roof of the kingdom and letting out a deep exhale of annoyance. I turned my body before lifting myself off the back of the bolder I had been laying against.

I stood to my feet quietly, making sure I wasn't going to wake anyone and only disturbing myself in the meanwhile. I began to slowly walk away from the dark huddled group of dwarves before looking up to see something completely off from my imagination. It was my uncle, Bilbo.

"Uncle?" I quietly questioned, startling Bilbo in the process of whatever he was doing. He was vastly tying a rope around a bolder to allow himself to repel down from the gate to do whatever he wished on his own terms. "What are you doing?"

"Saffron," my uncle breathed out with a sigh. "You wouldn't understand how this all came to be, but," he paused, causing me to look at him in confusion as he shifted his weight. "I have the Arkenstone. I've held onto it since the moment I found it back with Smaug was still under the mountain." I nodded my head understanding every word. "If I would've given Thorin the Arkenstone, it would've made matters only worse."

"Well, what are you going to do?" I questioned just as he started to settle himself steadily on the rope safely as I looked to him confused. He finished fiddling around with the rope before making direct eye contact.

"I'm going to fix this," he breathed out with a face of genuine seriousness and hope. "I'm going to fix all of this with every ounce in me." He stated as we both looked to each other in understanding. Bilbo was just about to settle down over the bolder.

"Uncle, wait," I breathed out rushing over closer to my uncle before embracing him into a deep, cherishing hug. I closed my eyes tightly knowing I've needed to be held into my uncle's arms once again. "Be safe," I breathed out breaking the embrace. "And be strong." I finished as my uncle nodded his head in agreement as I watched him climb down safely before I hid the rope completely so no one could see.

I turned away, hoping no one had seen anything of which my Uncle and I had just discussed, especially Bilbo leaving in the midst of the dark night. I glanced around hastily, hoping and praying nothing was seen, sighing in satisfaction before walking myself towards the group of sleeping dwarves. I slowly walked around some of the sleeping figures before me just as I turned and sat down against the pillar once again.

I exhaled a deep breath, laying my head back against the pillar that laid directly behind me, hoping and praying once again that my uncle would make it back safely before sunrise.

Hours Later...

"Get up," someone's voice boomed through the halls, startling me rather hastily as my eyes shot open quickly. "Get up!" Thorin hollered as we all begin to shuffle slightly to our feet, a few groans coming from the few of us before I hastily began to look around; only searching for one person in mind. "Saffron," his voice rumbled from behind me, causing me to jump slightly in fright, instantly turning around to meet Thorin standing with a blunt expression. "You're anxious," he breathed out. "Why?"

"Bilbo," I breathed out in questioning as I looked around frantically. "He fell asleep just next to me last night," I breathed out shaking my head in disbelief. "Have you seen him-"

"Saffron," I heard my Uncle's voice call from one of the halls behind Thorin as I turned to face Bilbo. "Is everything alright?" He questioned in worry as the three of us exchanged glances.

"I wasn't sure on where you ran off to," I stated with a half-hearted smile before Thorin gripped my bicep firmly, pushing me forward towards the main gate rather harshly.

"To the gate," he exclaimed as I stumbled slightly with a shove, pulling my arm away from Thorin's grip. I turned my head from him as I reached the gate, standing between Bofur and Fili, staring down at the sight before me.

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