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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

There was the sound of shuffling feet, clanking metal, and snares coming from none other than a creature that had just ran from out the side of the stone wall. I gripped the sword that laid to the left side of my figure, standing up as I swung the blade in an upright position, cutting the hand off of the orc that just about impelled me with his sword.

I then instantly stabbed the orc directly in the abdomen, causing him to fall to the ground limp, the life being sucked out of his body in less than a moment. I turned my body around to face another orc who snared viciously with a devilish grin planted upon his cursed face. He went to take a swing towards my figure, but I blocked well, groaning at the physical pain that continuously tormented me.

I impelled the orc in just a matter of seconds before turning my body, heavy breaths relieving themselves from my chest, my eyes then falling onto the limp but peaceful body of Kili. The grieve and sorrow that was bestowed upon me was worse than I had imagined. I truly loved Kili, whether I realized it or not, I truly loved him. My heart tore from the fact that I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with him, but if that was what fate decided, then it would be best to accept it and continue on with no fear of my destiny.

"I must finish this fight," I breathed out, looking to the lifeless body that laid before me, my lips quivering as I held back the tears. "I'm sorry," I breathed out, slowly walking away from Kili before turning quickly and rushing back down to find my Uncle. I needed to make sure he was alright. I slashed a few orcs on the way down towards the main level of what this glacier top was known for as, Ravenhill. I turned my body towards the right seeing Thorin standing against the ice before almost instantly, a blade from beneath the surface had stabbed through his foot as he groaned out in pain.

The ice broke beneath him, sending Thorin roughly to the ground just a few feet from behind and Azog jumped from the ice. Azog then stood above Thorin, his blade now facing Thorin's chest as Thorin struggled to push his blade against Azog's. My body was already taking me to the fight rapidly, my feet running beneath me quicker than I thought possible before I smashed my body against Azog, my sword flying out of my hands as I rolled against the ground a few times, my head spinning. My eyes took a few moments to focus as I turned my body over to my stomach, slowly crawling over towards my blade before I felt a large hand grasp the back of my lower left leg, pulling me against the ice. I took a quick glance behind me to see Azog viciously pulling me towards his figure before he roughly turned me against my back, twisting my leg in the process as I cried out.

"Saffron!" I heard my uncle cry out from afar before in almost a flash of a second, Azog's blade had impelled directly into my stomach, the blade cutting through each and ever layer of my abdomen; a choked gasp escaping from the deepest part of my chest. "No!" My uncle screamed as the pumping of blood from my head was heard loudly from underneath my skull, everything seeming to slow down into slow motion, my mind loosing itself quickly. A blade was then instantly stabbed through Azog's skull by Thorin, the end of his blade poking out on the side of his head before my uncle fell to his knees by my side. "You're okay," my uncle breathed out frantically. "You're okay," Bilbo exhaled, holding back the tears from his eyes. The pain I felt was almost too dreadful, the burning sensation taking a toll to the point where my body almost felt a cold heated numbness; my stomach exceeding to bleed effortlessly. "You're going to be alright," he breathed out hastily, trying to press his hand against my wound, applying pressure as I began to whimper from the sudden burning sensation that had revived; now overpowering everything I felt physically. "You're going to be safe." I reached out for my uncle's hand, gripping it tightly just as Thorin kneeled down on the left side of me, astonishment and sorrow covering his expressions.

"Saffron," Thorin breathed out, shaking his head in disbelief of the actions that had just taken place. "Why did you do it?" He breathed out, looking to me with pure utmost pain, sorrow, and hurt for what had just occurred before his eyes. "I never meant for this to happen," Thorin breathed out, exhaling a deep breath as he hung his head low, his brows furrowed in disbelief as he held back the dreadful tears threatening to spill. "I do not have he words to express..." he chocked out, not knowing what to say in such a moment as this.

"Thorin," I breathed out, placing my hand gently upon his, gently gripping his cold fingers. "I have fulfilled my destiny," I stated, wincing from the pain as I began to feel more light headed than ever. "This is what fate had decided," I paused catching my breath, closing my eyes for a mere second, taking in the searing pain as the taste of blood began to fill my mouth. "I did this with a willing heart for my brother," I exhaled deeply, getting a slight grin from Thorin. "My captain," I stated righteously. "My king." I smiled half heartedly, looking to a man I would've followed till the end of my days.

"No, no, Saffron," my uncle breathed out shaking his head in anger as he choked back his tears once again. "Stop it," he breathed out in anger. "I can't," my uncle paused for a moment, regaining his strength. "I can't loose you too," he exhaled a heavy breath as my heart sunk to the pit of my chest before I had coughed up some more blood that found its way to escape my figure. "You're going to live," he exhaled deeply as I groaned slightly from the pain, trying my best to apply more pressure onto my wound.

"Uncle," I croaked out, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill. "You're adventure will not be over because of me," I exhaled deeply, the pain beginning to increase rapidly as my strength began to fade ever so slightly. "No matter what fate decides, never forget to go further on in life for my sake," I stated, a slight smile lifting from the corners of my mouth. "I won't be there to clean up after your messes," I sighed wholeheartedly, a tear now escaping from the corner of my eye. "I owe mister Grovenfoot some lilies from the far-fields."

"No, no, no," my uncle breathed out, shaking his head vigorously from the pain he was feeling internally. "You must give them to him yourself," he stated firmly, looking directly into my eyes; convincing me that he was indeed right. "You're going to be well soon." I moaned from the sudden shock of pain I was feeling physically from my figure; the feeling of slowly drifting away from this life.

"Uncle," I paused as he looked to me in all seriousness. "It's t-time," I croaked out, looking to my uncle with the deepest love I could give, my brows furrowing from the horrid pain. "It hurts," I cried out under my breath, the tears rolling down my cheeks as the sorrow within my heart grew stronger. My uncle had then leaned his head down against my forehead, holding my head gently within his lap, the painful tears escaping my uncles figure. I caught my breath before wincing at the pain, my eyes squinting for a moment before my uncle lifted his head from my forehead. "I am more than grateful to regard my passing in honor of my true King," I exhaled, a gasp of pain escaping my chest, my hand covered in blood.

"And you have done much more than that," Thorin had stated, his voice rather low but calmly settled as he placed a reassuring hand against my shoulder. "If only this had never come to pass, my dear one," he exhaled a deep heavy breath, his head now falling as a single tear was relieved from his figure. My uncle cradled me within his arms, the sobs of pain escaping from his chest dreadfully, the pain within my figure beginning to relieve itself; the numbness overtaking all pain. I looked to beautiful ice cold boulders before me, the souring eagles flying high above me, the hot breath escaping from my lips. "Be at peace, daughter of the highest of men," Thorin had breathed out, the feeling of my life being sucked from my soul almost instantly, the air in my lungs escaping vastly, the light I saw only moments ago now turning to the purest white beyond imaginable.

I closed my eyes, knowing and almost instantly feeling this overwhelming peace dwelling upon my figure, the sound of birds chirping, the rushing waters of a creek, the trees rustling in the wind, the voices of children playing amongst one another. Everything in my heart, my soul, my mind, and my spirit was at peace. Everything turned into something brighter in that moment. And in that moment, I knew my uncle was going to be okay, and most importantly...
I knew I was going to be okay.

I shall hold my peace to the world,
To my uncle,
To my loved ones,
And to my King
For Forever and Always,

My pleasure.

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