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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, lifting my head as I winced from the pain that radiated from my entire body. I sat up removing a cloth that was wrapped around my forehead, looking down to see a bloody wrap. My head was pounding, my back ached terribly, my side felt even worse than before, my abdomen sore from everything altogether.

I tried my best to stand to my feet, only to feel unbearable pain on my side as I looked down, blood leaking through. I must've reopened my wound when I was thrown from the powerful force of Smaug's impact. I looked around, searching for Bard remembering him saving my life, but he was no where in sight.

I used the tree directly behind me to help pull myself up to my feet. I needed to find the dwarves. I looked around, hoping to find someone familiar in my eyes before I began to walk, stumbling slightly. I wobbled slightly in my stance, searching, hoping I would find the dwarves somehow. I mentally began hoping and praying they didn't abandon me for dead.

"Kili," I croaked out, instantly feeling a sharp pain from my side, my head spinning slightly as I closed my eyes for a split second. "Kili!" I tried to cry out, moaning from the pain holding in the burning tears in my eyes. "Kili!" I shouted gripping my side, feeling the pain double as I moaned from the pain, the tears threatening to spill. "Please find me," I whispered to myself, closing my eyes in fear, feeling myself become weaker and weaker.

"Saffron," I heard my name, slowly lifting my head up to meet Kili's gaze, our gazes locking instantly. A small smiled lifted upon my face as I stumbled, trying my best to run to him as he did the same, but just before we made contact I fell into his grasp, Kili catching me before I could make contact with the ground. "Saffron, what happened?" He questioned lifting me up, wrapping his arm around my waist as I whimpered from my side wound.

"It's just pain," I stated, chuckling slightly as Kili did the same before he began to bring me towards the boat with the rest of my Dwarven friends. A bigger smile lifted from my face as my three Dwarf friends grinned widely running towards us with cheer.

"Saffron!" They all yelled in unison with excitement as I wrapped my arms around my loving friends.

"We thought we lost you," Bofur stated breaking the hug as I looked to my friends before we climbed into the boat carefully.

"I thought I lost me too," I stated getting a few chuckles from the dwarves, some shaking their heads as we began to row towards the mountain.

"How can you manage to have a sense of humor in such a time as this?" Kili questioned with a smile as I chuckled slightly to myself, catching my breath whilst placing pressure onto my side.

"I've been known to see the brighter future in many things," I breathed out as we began to row towards the mountain, looking up in awe. "We're so close," I exhaled laying my head back against the boat, resting from the pain my body had endured. Allowing the strength to reprise.

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