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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

Azog had immediately dropped Fili from his grasp, Fili falling for a few moments before hitting the cold hard ground with a thud right in front of Kili. I took a step back, exhaling a deep breath that had been caught deeply in my chest, another tear falling from my face. I thought I was going to lose my balance, my mind instantly freezing as I stood there with shock, my hands shaking tremendously; everything flowing in slow motion.

Kili looked down to his lifeless brother that laid before him with fierce anger flashing before his eyes, my heart beating faster than usual but my breaths unevenly slow in the moment. Kili turned from his brothers body with pure hatred repelling from his figure as he bolted towards the next killer on his list.

"Kili!" Thorin shouted after his nephew, knocking me out of the mental state I was just in only moments ago. Thorin then took a run after Kili as I shook my head, running my hands through my hair in frustration before entering back into reality. I was sick, I was sick of all the evil, I was sick of all the death, I was sick of loosing the loved ones that had entered into my life. Anger. Anger started boiling up inside my figure, any ounce of pain I felt physically was pushed aside.

I stood up straight, shifting my weight before I bolted up to the top of the stairs on Ravenhill, slicing a few of the orcs that found their way into my path, their blood flying into different directions. No remorse or sympathy dwelled within the pit of my heart. I reached the top of Ravenhill, looking around for one person and one person only.

"KILI!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my throat scratching against itself as I frantically gazed upon the sight before me, hearing the sound of swords clashing against one another. "KILI!" I shouted once again, climbing up into a separate section of the walls of stone that were built amongst each other.

"SAFFRON!" I heard my voice being hollered from the backside of me as I turned quickly to the voice of Kili. I went to follow the sound of his voice almost instantly, when all of a sudden I was pushed against the stone wall with full force, the instant shock of pain against my chest feeling unbearable as I let out a cry. I was then roughly grabbed by the back of my neck before being thrown against the stone staircase, my stomach being impeded roughly against the stone as I cried out in pain once again.

I was then thrown to the ground, my head hitting the hard surface of the floor, squinting my eyes from the sudden ringing in my ears as I slowly tried my best to get up. I looked up meeting the grimacing face of Bolg with his sword in hand, hovering over me I tried my best to stand to my feet with all the strength left within me. Kili then jumped from behind, preventing Bolg from killing me off rather quickly as I exhaled a deep breath of relief.

I then pulled out a spare dagger from the inside of my boot, stabbing the thigh of the horrendous beast that stood before me as he cried out in pain, Kili then being thrown harshly onto the stair case of the left of me. Bolg then shoved me to the ground harshly as I rolled a few times before hitting the wall next to me.

Kili then jumped onto Bolg once again, his arm wrapped around the orcs throat with full force before Bolg pulled the dagger from his thigh and imbedding it into Kili's abdomen. "KILI!" I shouted out as I struggled to stand to my feet, Bolg staring directly through my soul with a devilish grin. "No," I breathed out as he let go of the grasp he had on the back of Kili's armor before I pulled myself to my feet, anger beyond any hate and bitterness I ever felt inside me. "NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, bending down and gripping Kili's sword that laid before my feet, just as I lunged his sword into Bolg's abdomen.

Bolg looked down to me in disbelief, blood instantly dripped from the crook of his mouth as a devilish smile was returned to me as he spit in my face. His body began tor lean off of the edge he stood by as he tried his best to grip the back of my armor. I reached out gripping the end of a rock just in arms reach before Bolg fell down a few stories to the cold hard ground as I hung from the crook of the rock.

I pulled myself up while dissing the physical pain that tormented me as I began crawling over to Kili, his breaths being heavy, his back leaned up against the stone wall behind him, coughing in pain. "Kili," I breathed out kneeled beside him. "Yo-you're going to be alright," I breathed out trying my best to reassure myself. "You're going to be alright. Everything is fine," I choked out, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill as I pressed my hand firmly against his wound.

"Sa-Saffron," he breathed out as he watched me try my best to prevent him from any blood loss. "Saffron, look at me," he exhaled deeply, his voice becoming shaky. "You look at me," he breathed out softly as our eyes interlocked quickly. "I-I think this is it," he coughed out.

"N-no, no," I breathed out shaking my head as I looked down, tears now falling quickly from my eyes before I felt his hand cup the left side of my cheek, closest to him. "No, no you're not leaving me," I breathed out denying the fact that Kili was in fact, dying slowly. "You can't leave me. Not now," I cried out. "Not ever."

"I think m-my time is up," Kili choked up, coughing as he squinted his eyes shut from the pain. I shook my head, letting out a deep exhale as I moaned in the varieties of pain I was facing. "L-look at me," he ordered as I lifted my head slowly, tears dripping from my eyes. "You kept me going," he paused. "Through every trial we faced," he breathed out causing my heart to shatter instantly. "Through battle and death," he exhaled deeply. "You were the reason I stayed strong in who I was." I lifted my arm to place against the side of his face, Kili resting into the crook of my hand. "If there was anything I could ask for of anyone," he paused as a few tears fell down my cheeks. "I would wish to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Kili," I cried out as I leaned my forehead against his, tears now streaming down my cheeks, knowing this was it. It was his time. "P-please don't leave me," I cried out, my eyes squinted shut from the pain as I began to sob silently. "Please," I breathed out as Kili reached his other hand to place on the right of my cheek, my head gently placed into both of his hands. "Don't," I paused. "Don't go."

"Saffron," he breathed out as I opened my eyes to meet his. "I-I love you," he breathed out, my heart breaking into thousands of pieces before I smashed my lips into his. The cold shimmering touch of his lips sent a mere painful shiver down my spine, thoughts running through my mind as I broke the generous kiss between us. "I will never stop loving you."

"And I will never stop loving you," I breathed out, getting a slight grin from Kili as we looked to each other in pain and in hurt. "Just," I paused as Kili groaned from the pain of his wound. "Just promise me something," I inhaled a deep breath as he looked up to me in hurt. "Tell my parents I love them," I cried out, sobs now escaping my chest as my lip began to quiver.

"My pleasure," he replied with tears falling from his eyes as I ran my fingers through his hair with a genuine smile lifting from both of our hearts. "Saffron," he breathed out, looking to me in all seriousness before I watched his life being lifted from his eyes as complete silence engulfed the atmosphere. My heart felt as if it had stopped, the air in my lungs leaving from the pit of my chest as I looked into his eyes seeing nothing but an empty stare.

"Kili?" I breathed out pulling him closer to my chest, shaking him softly, but no recognition came from his lifeless body. "Kili," I exhaled knowing he was gone as tears almost instantly started falling down my face, pulling Kili to my chest as I began to rock him back and forth. I began to sob uncontrollably, my shoulders shaking, my heart continuously breaking piece by piece. "I'm sorry," I breathed out in pain. "I'm so, so sorry."

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