|t h i r t y t w o|

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A Journey To Remember
|t h i r t y t w o|

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{S A F F R O N}

"Uncle," I breathed out, catching up to Bilbo as Balin and Dwalin passed me, exchanging glances before I slowly began to walk side by side with my uncle. "Do you," I paused looking around. "Do you have, the Arkenstone?" I questioned looking to my Uncle, waiting for him to answer as he shuffled his hair slightly.

"Saffron," he breathed out looking to me in all seriousness. "If someone had it," he paused. "Or, if-if it were found," he shifted his stance slightly, taking a step closer to me. "It would only make matters worse for Thorin," he stated as I pushed a strand of hair back behind my ear.

"Uncle," I paused looking to him for an explanation. "Do you have it?" I questioned as he looked to me with a blunt expression, shifting his weight.

"No," he stated looking directly into my eyes as I nodded my head, believing what my uncle had told me. I knew what he said must've been true, although something in the back of my mind told me otherwise.

Moments Later...

I sat there, underneath a few pillars, looking onto the vast halls of Erebor, not believing the engraved stone meant so much in power and firm stronghold. I then looked down to my hands, seeing the scrapes, the bruises, and the dry blood still printed on my hands.

I held in a breath, envisioning the pale lifeless bodies, the fire surrounding innocent children screaming in horror and the dwellings blazing bright. The screams echoed in my mind, my thoughts gone, completely distracted from he horror I had face physically. My mind was then taken over by the memories of my parents, the Orc that had stabbed them to death, his features and his armor.

"Saffron?" I heard a voice come from behind me, catching me off guard as I stood to my feet instantly. I looked up noticing it was Kili, watching him step closer in concern. "Are you alright?" He questioned as I just stared bluntly, holding in the burning tears that had been dying to be relieved for a good long while.

I exhaled a deep breath, my eyes glistening from the hot moist tears readying to spill, I slowly shook my head looking down, only seeing the dead horrifying bodies every time I closed my eyes. I began to silently cry, letting the tears fall from my eyes, my brows furrowed, my lip quivering. "Saffron," Kili breathed out, stepping up close to me before wrapping his arms around my figure, burying my face into his warm chest.
"It's okay," he breathed out holding me closer before he began brushing his fingers through my hair. "It's been rough lately," he exhaled a deep sigh as I began to even out my breaths slightly.

"The things I've seen, Kili," I paused. "Children," I held in the tears. "Innocent children, dead. Infants being burned alive, the screaming and the crying of help when I couldn't do a thing to save them." I broke the embrace, taking a step back and looking to Kili. "Thorin," I breathed out shaking my head. "He's not himself." I sighed. "This mountain is cursed, Kili. This place is full of disease."

"I understand," he furrowed his brows. "The horrors you've seen since you were just a child, is something you should've never had to endure." He stated as I sighed, wiping away the tears before my mind began to race into different directions. The moment Kili and I shared back in Lake-Town continued to race between my thoughts.

"Kili," I breathed out looking down to my hands, stepping closer to Kili. "I- I wanted to ask you," I sighed looking up into his eyes, our gazes interlocking. "I- uhm. I-"

"Brother," Fili came running over towards us as we both turned to face him. "Thorin wants everyone to the gate," he sighed taking in a breath as we all exchanged uneasy glances before Kili and I followed Fili to the entrance of Erebor.

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