|t h i r t y f i v e|

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A Journey To Remember
|t h i r t y f i v e|

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{S A F F R O N}

My eyes shot open, pulling myself up from the bed, my breaths were heavy, beads of sweat rolling down from my body, as my chest began gasping for air. I ran my hands through my hair vigorously as I squinted my eyes closed tightly letting out a groan, trying to get rid of those horrifying nightmares from my unforgettable memory.

My breathing continued to grow rapidly before I twisted my hips, removing the blankets, letting my legs dangle from the side of the bed, knowing I couldn't just simply go back to sleep. I sighed in frustration catching my breath, keeping my head low in frustration before I stood to my feet. I tried to calm my breathing once again, pulling my hair back from my face as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I looked upon the beauty of Erebor before deciding to head to the gate. I knew I needed to inhale the fresh air to reveal the stress and frustration from my mind. I stood by the edge of the gate, the furious wind brushing my hair back from against my chest, the breeze swallowing me whole. I closed my eyes, feeling the calming presence brush against my skin. All negative thoughts had passed my mind, now only precious and pure clouding my mind. A soft smile was now felt upon my lips.

I opened my eyes, looking to the quiet empty night of the far lands, close to the ruins of Dale. I knew I needed to look from the past, I knew I needed to get over everything that had been torturing me all these years, but most of all... I needed to free my mind from any thoughts of any kind of love or compassion for anyone. All of those mind sets were past me now, and I knew I needed to grow up and live life the way it wanted me to.

There was a war coming. I was as sure as hell on it any day, I could feel it in my bones. I knew what was to come, and if I died in the battlefield like any honorable soldier out there, then I would die for a good cause. There's not much to live or look forward to in life anymore, so whatever was going to come to pass... I was ready.

The sun was just beginning to rise as it peaked over the hills, shinning through the halls vastly with the sound of a few birds chirping throughout the midst. I looked down at my hands, wondering, contemplating on how so much evil could possibly hinder in such a beautiful and peaceful world. I turned my head away, looking beyond the kingdom just as my eyes fell upon the pathway to the armory room. War, ruin, and death was coming our way... and we needed to be ready.

I rushed quickly down to the armory hearing a few voices and some objects amongst the weapons clashing against one another. I steadily walked down the staircase feeling drained, my thoughts completely scattered, my heart tremendously empty. It felt as if no feeling was left within me. I was done for.

"Saffron," I heard a familiar voice question to the right of me. I turned to face the figure whom had just spoken behind me, catching my attention. "Your fighting?" Bofur questioned kindly with confusion and worry written upon his face like a mask.

"Yes, Bofur," I paused with a smile. "I am fighting," I exhaled a deep breath grasping some armor off of the walls. "I am fighting for your sake and for my own, and I'm willing to die trying." I stated placing some armor against the table in the armory room before I felt a gentle hand being placed amongst my shoulders. I slowly turned my head to face the generous kind Bofur with a smile of sympathy.

"The courage in your heart is no more than the loving kindness you've shared throughout this venture," Bofur paused, my heart instantly dropping the pit of my stomach in surprise at his kind words. "And I will do everything in my power to make sure you make it home safely." I gently placed my hand upon his, grasping it with comfort.

"Thank you, Bofur. Your generous words are more than I can bare," I smiled before turning to the armor I was going to wear as more dwarves began to find their way into the armory room. I placed the armor over my arms, my chest, and adjusted the way it fit upon my small figure. I then turned my body towards the weapons that hung proudly against their racks, getting a few uneasy glances from the dwarves in the room.

I pulled a long, mighty, stronghold sword from the racks, looking to it and instantly knowing the sword I had picked was mine for battle that stood before us. I knew if I died today, tomorrow, or the following weeks from now... it was meant to be. I wasn't afraid of dying, I wasn't afraid of death, the only thing I feared... was fear itself.

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