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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

I ran quickly throughout the hills of Hobbiton, my hair being caught by the wind as small strands found their way blocking my vision. My gaze was then transfixed upon the dark morning sky, my eyes noticing how it became brighter and brighter as I steered myself towards home. I could only hope that my uncle, Bilbo, wasn't awake just yet at this hour.

          My grip on my bow grew tighter as I rushed down a steep hill, ignoring the fact that one wrong step could plummet me towards unwanted discomfort. Within a few moments in time, I had made it safely to my bedroom window, not making a sound as I climbed through the odd entrance, the sun now rising.

           I shoved my quiver full of arrows and my bow underneath my featherbed before taking a glance at my own stature from the reflection of the glass in between the window frame. I saw nothing but a face slightly covered with smudges of dirt and few scrapes from the thin dead bushes on the trail I had just ventured on.

          I began gently scrubbing off the dirt that had found its way to make prints upon my soft skin, the water in my pot colder than the shimmers of the lake down below. "Suilad," I breathed out in Elvish. "Le maer?" I questioned, knowing I had gotten better at my Elvish over the years. "Man I eneth lin? I eneth nin Saffronlé Lorién Baggins," I exhaled drying off my face with a clean towel. "Ledhon na Rivendell," I paused, the longing to one day step inside the realm of Rivendell. "Pedol I lam Thinndrim? Ni ero," I sighed to myself, quickly and unsteadily changing out of my dirty outfit I had just been wearing out in the woods moments ago.

          I pulled on a nice white linen blouse with a nice pattern below the neck and around the collar for me to tie with a descriptive design. I then pulled on a pair of deep sea blue waistcoat britches to wear with the nice pair of leather boots I had gotten for a special occasion just a year ago. I grabbed my thick leather belt that was covered with designs on the front of it, wrapping it around my waist securely.

          I then heard the front door creek open and then shut tightly between the hinges as I turned my head, walking towards my front door, opening it widely, knowing my uncle, surely was indeed, awake. I hastily brushed off any leaves or twigs that may have been caught in the locks of my hair, and luckily I was completely stable. My hand then gripped the handle of our front door, opening it and then shutting it from behind me.

I looked up to see my uncle peacefully enjoying his time, smoking his pipe on the outside bench, a soft smile now lifting from my lips. I walked over quietly, taking a seat next to him whilst getting a glance and a warm smile in return. "Any inquiries I must attend?" I questioned bluntly whilst he puffed a circle of smoke before looking over at me.

"I'm not entirely sure," he breathed out, puffing a circular ring of smoke from his pipe that was still in the crook of his mouth. I nodded my head looking to the Shire below us.

"I pondered on whether or not you wished for me to go down into the market today," I breathed out, looking down to my hands before receiving a nod from my uncle just on the left of me. "I wasn't sure if you may have been in dire need of a few necessities," I indulged, looking to the scenery before me with a slight grin.

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