|t w e n t y f o u r|

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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y f o u r|

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{S A F F R O N}

I watched as Kili yelled from the pain, his whole body shaking, more sweat dripping from his body. I looked up towards Sigrid, meeting her gaze.

"Sigrid," I paused. "Do you mind looking outside to see if Bofur is anywhere in sight?" I questioned as Sigrid nodded her head, walking out the door to check for anyone. Bain just had arrived, walking in glancing between everyone. "Bain," I smiled. "Is everything alright?"

"From what I know," he paused running a hand through his curls. "Da' told me to ru-" just as Bain was going to finish his sentence, Sigrid screamed from whatever horror. She pulled herself inside before yanking on the door, trying to close it whilst a sword was held in between.

"Sigrid!" I shouted, instantly running towards the sword that I had kept in the corner, just in case of something like this were to occur. "Get back!" I shouted pulling Sigrid back as I kicked the door as hard as I could, causing the Orc to flip backwards into the water two stories down.

A crash came from the roof, whipping my head towards the direction to see another Orc, standing on the table, twitching his head before I pushed Tilda and Sigrid underneath the table. "Stay down!" I shouted before throwing a few slashes towards the Orcs, impaling a few as Bain had gripped the bench in front of him, throwing it towards another Orc that had found it's way in.

More began bursting through the windows, but I was quick on their tail, Fili and Oin quick to my side as I slashed a few across the necks, killing them almost instantly. At least five more had entered into the house, catching us off guard before two Elves busted through from the front door, but they weren't jut any Elves, it was Legolas and the She-elf, Tauriel, that I had met back in Mirkwood.

I continued to fight my way past the Orcs alongside my friends before I heard a yell of pain come from someone across the room. I whipped my head in his direction, seeing Kili struggling against an Orc unarmed. "Kili!" I shouted bolting over towards the Orc that was about to Kill my closest friend. I yelled just as I tried to stab the Orc, he pushed my sword away from his abdomen with his dagger of some sort.

The Orc twitched his head slightly, staring my down before we both began to fight against each other, the Orc blocking most of my hits. The moment I finally stabbed the creature, the action backfired, his dagger unexpectedly impaling in my side as I whimpered from the pain. I growled in frustration, pulling my sword from his abdomen, and kicking the Orc with all my strength as he flew from the window.

Legolas and Tauriel instantly be-headed the last few Orcs in the room, my chest rising rapidly. I leaned against the door frame, the house completely silent except for many heavy breaths. I stood there looking to everyone in the room, catching my breath before looking dow to my side, blood easily seen through the ripped material.

"You killed them all," Bain stated in complete shock as I walked over towards Sigrid and Tilda, pulling them from underneath the table.

"There are others. Tauriel, come," Legolas demanded before Kili yelled out from the pain, gripping his bloody thigh.

"We're losing him!" Oin exclaimed as my heart fell almost instantly. I rushed over towards Kili along with Fili and Oin as we picking him up off the ground, throwing his head back with a cry of pain, carrying him over onto the table. He began twisting and turning worse than ever seen before, screaming from the unimaginable pain. Bofur almost instantly rushed into the room with Athelas in his grasp.

"Bofur," I tried to breath out, the pain from my abdomen more noticeable now. "Get me a bowl of water," I demanded looking down at the screaming figure that laid before me, tearing my heft from the inside just watching. I whimpered silently to myself, looking down to my side, placing my hand against my wound. Once I lifted my arm, my hand was covered in blood.

"Saffron," Fili breathed out in shock looking down at my figure. "You're bleeding," he stated just as Bofur came over with the bowl of water I had asked for.

"I'm fine,"

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