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A Journey To Remember
|s i x t e e n|

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{S A F F R O N}

     I felt my body hit the ground hard, instantly waking up as I tried to get out of the web sack I was in. I tried to rip through as best as I could, grunting and turning quickly. I finally had gotten out of the sack noticing all the dwarves were around getting out of their sacks as well; helping a few. Once we were free, we all took a run for it trying out best to get away from the giant spiders, but of course we were caught.

      A spider had just landed directly in front of me being I drew my bow shooting the spider in the eye making it squeal like a little insect as more came rushing to all of us.

      "Dwalin! Kill it!" Thorin yelled before Dwalin completely killed the spider I had shot before I moved onto the next spider in my way. Shooting each one directly in the eye as more and more continued to flow in.

      "Fili!" I heard Kili yell as I instantly whipped my head around to Kili and Fili's direction. Kili was grasped by on of the spiders, read to stab him directly in the gut before I instantly drew my bow, aiming just right with the squirming creature, exhaling a deep breath before letting go of the arrow. It instantly shot directly in the eye as getting practically hugged. I shot the spider with my arrow. Then Fili stabbed the spider directly in the brain, setting Kili free as he continued to fight.

       "Come on, keep up!" Dwalin yelled to everyone around us as we all began running out of the area we were held captive in by spiders. We ran as fast as we could but more spiders came and cornered us all, everyone readying theirselves before I saw something in the distant coming towards us. It was an elf, an elf from Mirkwood jumping onto the spider's webs and slashing them with his sword.

      We all watched as the elf and many others came running in with their bow and arrows pointed directly at us, but one specific blonde I kept my eye on pointed the arrow directly into Thorin's face.

      "Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf," the elf smirked slightly. "It would be my pleasure." He stated as a small smirk landed on my face, I glanced between the elves noticing how cold and blunt they seemed.

     "Speak Elvish," Bofur whispered next to my ear as I smiled, nodding my head in agreement.  I cleared my throat, shifting slightly as the blonde elf pointed his arrow directly to me instead of Thorin.

      "My apologies, for interrupting you're moment of mighty valor elflings," I paused stepping out from the crowd. "But I must say," I smirked. "That was quite a show." I paused running a hand through my hair.

      "And to whom do I speak?" The elf questioned rather bluntly as I placed my hands on my hips mocking him in some way, but things I was about to say we're going to be serious and real.

      "One does not simply interrupt one of royalty," I stated as the elf scoffed, a few confused expressions from the dwarves and the rest of the elves.

      "Who are you to say you are from the heirloom of royalty?" The elf questioned as I stood firm in my stance, a serious expression washed over my face as I readied myself to speak Sindarin.

      "Len suilon," I paused. "I eneth nin, Levónalehím Saffron Nightingale," I exhaled being able to say my only true name that had been given to me. "A len?" I questioned the elf.

      "Mae l'ovannen," the elf nodded his head in gratitude. "I eneth nin, Legolas Greenleaf," Legolas spoke as I listened closely, causing him to lower his weapon. "Man anírog?" He questioned as I sighed, knowing everyone needed to hear this.

      "My father's name was Donamanlé," I paused remembering my father well before he died, but I always had to lie about my parents death all these years for certain reasons they wished. "My father was one of your kind from Mirkwood," I exhaled deeply remembering the awful images of my parents death as the dwarves looked confused. "He fought alongside your father, King Thranduil. They knew each other since childbirth, they grew up together like brothers in arms," I paused before my gaze fell on Kili. "My father fell in love with a woman, a hobbit, which was my mother. They bore a mortal child two hundred and thirty years ago named, Levónalehím Saffron Nightingale," I paused my gaze now on Thorin. "Which is, I."

     Legolas ordered the elves to lower their weapons from me and only target the dwarves at the moment.

      "My indolences to you, Levónalehím." He spoke in honor as I nodded my head in gratitude. "I knew your father well," a small grin was lifted from his lips. "I was a youngling but, good memory of those from the past." I smiled remembering my strong father and mother. "Come," he nodded orders to the elves to keep watch of the Dwarves. "I will take you and your companions to my father. But I can't promise you safe directing to your friends."

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