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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     "We appear to be one Dwarf short," Gandalf's voice spoke rather boldly from where I stood by the kitchen, awaiting for what was to come, somewhat interested on who this mysterious Dwarf must've been and where we was originated. I listened closely to the conversation that aroused my spirits, my ears easily overhearing the commotion, my mindset being more alerted than usual.

     "He is late, is all," Dwalin has spoken up boldly, sipping a cup of ale, from what it seemed. "He traveled north to a meeting of our kin," he paused as my head hung low, my arms crossed over my chest, and my breaths even. "He will come," Dwalin stated as I shifted in my stance, leaning against the wall before I slowly walked from the rather great commotion in the household.

     I hummed to myself lowly, walking down the long corridor, heading towards the front door with my mind at ease. All the dwarves grew louder than ever, food being shoved down their throats and ale being spilt among places that were lively invisible. The aroma of the old Baggin's home just smelt of rough men and ale; in which was one of the smells I try my best to avoid.

     I opened the door gently before shutting it directly behind me as I inhaled a deep refreshing breath of fresh air in the peace and quiet of the Shire. I slowly sat down on the steps of our outside porch, looking amongst the flickering lights of the little neighborhood of ours. My gaze then fell amongst the stars and the flickering balls of fire in the sky, almost like they were dancing.

     They were so... beautiful.

     A long loud exotic burp was heard from the house as I shook my head chuckling to myself. "The men of this world," I mumbled to myself, fiddling with my fingers in my lap before I stared down at the lake further amongst the hill. I sighed hoping these dwarves were a part of our adventure, well as long as we were accepting their invite. "The pleasure of leaving this place still remains," I mumbled exhaling in frustration fiddling with the grass I pulled from the ground. I felt a presence coming closer, just to the right of me, nothing more than a man with a kind heart.

     "It is still possible," his soft voice spoke generously, knowing in which who this voice belonged to; a sight of the man's face before me. I exhaled a deep sigh, turning my focus back onto the scenery before me; wishing it was indeed a possibility.

     "If my Uncle would even allow such a thing," I mentioned with a blunt expression before allowing myself to sent a half-heartedly grin, Kili nodding his head in understanding whilst my heart deciphering the mere fact that he indeed understood my pain. He then took a few simple steps closer to my figure; Kili bending down slightly, setting himself down against the open area to the right of me.

       "I can't help but wonder," Kili paused for a moment, turning his full attention towards me, his eyes transfixed upon my face, indulging, "why is it that your uncle is so against adventures?" He questioned boldly, my eyes trailing to his as an exhaled of distress was lifted from my chest. I knew the reasons why, I knew the memories, the stories, the truth on why Bilbo did in fact hate the idea of an adventure.

     "There's more to it than what meets the eye," I breathed out, turning back to the view before me, "you could ask any old daffer in these parts and they would undoubtedly shove you off," I stated, receiving a light grin from the man next to me. He waited patiently for me to continue, as I spoke softly saying, "there's a few more reasonings, but I wouldn't chose to speak of such things for my own sake," I exhaled, my head hanging low before I lifted my posture. I looked to the man on the right of me, before saying, "not only that, but there are many other better places Gandalf could've chosen to seek for a burglar." I chuckled to myself slightly, a small grin being lifted from the corners of Kili's lips.

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