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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     "Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung, you'll be beaten and battered from racks you'll be hung, you will die down here and never he found," the Goblin king continued to sing horribly whilst the goblins searched through our clothing, our armory, and weapons. "Down in the deep of Goblin-town!" The horrid Goblin had finally ended his song of tale, a sigh of satisfaction escaping my chest. The Goblins continued to search finding daggers, swords, blades, and more that were strapped upon our figures; but one of them had pulled out the elvish blade that belonged to Thorin.

A loud ringing was sounded the moment a goblin placed his hands upon the sword, the goblin throwing it to the ground with a screech. "I know that sword!" The Master Goblin exclaimed. "It is the Goblin-cleaver!" He shouted, the goblins turning hair focus to the single blade as I bit my bottom lip in fear. "The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" The creature cried out. "Slash them! Beat them!" He ordered in anger, a few Goblins pushing me to the ground, swinging their nasty fists my way and kicking my abdomen as I let out a cry of pain.

They quickly began slashing each of us with their horrid whips as I covered my face, hoping to somehow be free from this torture. "Kill them! Kill them all!" I tried my best to grab the end of their whips, hoping to somehow stand to my feet; the goblins towering over each of us. I lifted myself from the ground for just a moment before a few of the hideous creatures forcefully shoved me to the ground once more with a few punches. I instantly could feel the blood tricking down from the corner of my brow as I wiped the blood that seemed to get in the way of my vision.

"Cut of his head!" The Goblin King yelled once more, my gaze instantly transfixed upon the King who struggled against the abundant flock of goblins forcing him to his knees, gripping the locks of his hair whilst jerking his head back forcefully; his neck now completely visual. My soul dropped to the pit of my stomach, my eyes watching in horror as I desperately tried to get free from the goblins holding me back. Then in less than a fraction of a second, a bright light had flashed before us, each and every being flying back against the ground, smoke being lifted vastly.

     "Take up arms," the voice of bold man had spoke, demanding the Dwarves and I. "Fight," everyone beginning to stand to their feet, "Fight!" Gandalf has yelled mightily before we were all to our feet grabbing our weapons. I searched for my weapons, luckily finding them easily as I swung my bow and quiver over my shoulders; griping my sword in the process.

      "He wields the Foehammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" The goblin king exclaimed in fear, the Dwarves picking up their weapons quickly and slashing the heads of the nasty goblins.

     "Thorin! Follow me," Gandalf exclaimed catching my attention. "Quick! Run!" Gandalf shouted as the Dwarves began to follow behind Gandalf and I; Dwalin now in front of us before a large pack of goblins headed our way.

     "Post! Charge!" Dwalin yelled while picking up a log and knocking off the goblins to the side as we ran across an unstable bridge.

      "Cut the ropes!" Thorin yelled as I cut the ropes making the goblins that were on the bridge fall off into the darkness below. I was soon behind Kili whilst the goblins were shooting arrows at us. Kili blocked them with his sword, as I did the same. He then grabbed a latter putting in front of us and giving us some shielding.

     He dropped it right on top of the goblins and their heads were locked in the openings. We pushed hard against them as they fell one by one into the dark obis beneath us whilst we walked ran across the latter. Gandalf then knocked down a big rock with his staff as it rolled and crushed the goblins that were coming to us up ahead. We were just about to cross another bridge till the Gobling King  flew from under the bridge and stopped us in our tracks.

❝A Journey To Remember❞ The Hobbit | KiliWhere stories live. Discover now