|t w e n t y s i x|

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A Journey To Remember
|t w e n t y s i x|

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{S A F F R O N}

I began to shift around slightly in the chair I had been sitting in next to Kili's side. I flickered my eyes open, noticing I must've fallen asleep as I looked around the room noticing Fili was sitting by the fire with a sleeping Bofur and Oin. Fili was leaned over, resting his elbows onto his thighs as I looked down to my side.

I noticed the slight blood barely leaking through the bandage before looking over to my left to see Sigrid sitting in a chair with Tilda laying in her lap sleeping peacefully. My gaze then transfixed on the sleeping Kili that laid before me. I resisted my forearm against the table, my chin resting on my forearm as I watched Kili's breath escape from his slightly opened mouth.

His eyes were closed, no sweat was dripping from his forehead, his face was rid of the pale tint, his normal skin tone now coming to life. Strands of his hair were laying against his forehead as I looked down to his hand. I gently placed my hand into his grasp, holding his soft hand as I watched his chest rise with even breaths.

I sat there, thinking deeply to myself, wondering if this was truly where my life was meant to be led. Wondering if this truly was my destiny, if my uncle and I were truly meant to venture through the land of Middle-Earth. I exhaled a deep breath I had been holding before placing a gentle kiss upon Kili's hand.

{B I L B O}

"This is not your kingdom," Thorin exclaimed from the top of the Dwarvin statue. "These are Dwarf lands," Thorin raised his voice proudly. "This is Dwarf gold," I stood to my feet from underneath the rug before hiding behind one of the pillars as Smaug hissed. "And we will have our revenge." Thorin placed his hand on the chain as the rest of the dwarves followed his actions. Thorin then yelled something in his language before each and every dwarf pulled the chains that began to open a large column of stone.

It revealed a giant, broad, gold statue of one of Thorin's ancestors from the Dwarvin days as I watched Smaug look to the gold in amazement and in awe, reflecting off of his scales. The dragon was mesmerized by the mighty statue of pure gold before something began to occur.

It slowly began to fall apart, flowing through the ground and falling onto Smaug in the process as the dragon flailed wildly in anger. I quickly ran out of the way before it could get anywhere near me as it started to cover over Smaug completely. The horrid dragon fell into the melted gold completely as we all watched in victory.

Is he gone?

But then all of a sudden, Smaug jumped from the gold, raging with anger as he began to frail his wings into the air, running towards an opening of the mountain as my stomach dropped.

"Revenge?!" Smaug yelled mimicking Thorin's words. "Revenge!" He shouted headed towards the exit of Erebor. "I will show you," he paused. "Revenge!" And just then, he bursted through the front of Erebor, as I quickly ran out from the halls of the Mountain Kingdom. I stepped out from the mountain as fast as I could, seeing Smaug flying into the air towards Lake-Town. Saffron, Kili, Fili, everyone... they were all there. I watched in horror as Smaug got closer and closer to Lake-Town.

"What have we done?"

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