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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

     We were riding through a dripping, soggy, and wet rainy forest; drenched completely down to the exposed flesh of our figures. The rain continued to find itself unpleasantly causing light ill to the rest of us as we all tried our best to cover our eyes. Even spite the gloomy sense of weather, I tried my best to seek desired forestry above and all around me.

     "Here, Mr. Gandalf," one of the dwarves from behind had called out. "Can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori questioned a bit displeased of the uncomfortable weather.

     "It is raining, Master Dwarf," Gandalf paused for a moment. "And it will continue to rain until the rain is done," he explained with a slight hint of frustration in the tone of his voice. "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another Wizard."

     I exhaled a deep breath, seeing the cloud of oxygen depart from my mouth and into the cold rain.

     "Are there any?" I heard my uncle question in honesty and curiosity.

     "What?" Gandalf replied in confusion.

     "Other Wizards," Bilbo finished as a few of the ponies desired to grumble out a groan of personal interest into the conversation. I gazed upon my surroundings, enjoying the pitiful conversation as I felt the droplets quicken slightly.

      "There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards. Do you know, I've quite forgotten their names," Gandalf continued on as we all listened closely.

     "And who is the fifth?"

     "Well, that would be Radagast the Brown."

     "Is he a great Wizard? Or is he more like you?" Bilbo questioned as I turned to look behind me, facing my uncle; looking to him in disbelief.

      "I think he's a very great Wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others." Gandalf paused shifting in his saddle. "He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east. And a good thing too. For always evil will look to find a foothold in this world." Gandalf finished as I sat back in the saddle more comfortable.

     "Are you enjoying the view?" Kili had questioned, trying to enlighten to mood as I looked over to the man on my left as we exchanged glances.

     "There's not much of a view, now is there?" I replied, answering his question with a question, a cheeky grin bestowed upon my lips.

     "If that is what you wish to see," he spoke up, stating the fact that he was indeed truthful in replying to my statement. There was a small period of time in complete silence before others began to bicker on specific arguments or conversations. I sat there, pondering on if I should speak up once again before Kili had opened up. "You are truly different than I had imagined you'd be," he breathed out, causing my brows to furrow in interest and mild confusion.

     "And what were you envisioning, kind sir?" I questioned in a more sarcastically humorous form,  alarming Kili in a sense of interest as he sifted in the saddle beneath him slightly.

     "Well, I presumed you preferred the company of young ones or withheld personal longing towards stitching blouses of some sort," Kili had stated as I turned my head to the right of me, looking directly to Fili, desperately wanting to allow a small chuckle to escape my chest in mockery. "What?" Kili questioned in defense. "Is it not true what they say about women?"  

     "What you speak of is only the mentality of an old maiden widow," I stated, letting out a chuckle of disbelief at the young man's ideals. "I must say," I paused with a smile. "Men must be misguided by the misfortune of this world," I finished turning to Fili and Bofur who were riding closest to us. Bofur and Fili exchanged glances between Bofur as they nodded  their heads in agreement.

Later that day...

      "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them," Thorin spoke loudly as I began to scout around at the view before us. "Oin, Gloin. Get a fire going," Thorin instructed them to do so rudely as I looked to them exchanging glances.

     "I'll help," I smiled as they nodded their head before Gloin went to go find some wood.

     "Do you know how to build a fire?" Oin questioned me kindly as I chuckled slightly and nodding my head, getting some wood kindling for the fire.

     "Yes," I paused placing some kindling down. "My father taught me from a young age. We would make fires together outside and inside," I smiled as Oin nodded his head.

     "I have a feeling you will be very useful on this quest," he smiled with a chuckle as I nodded my head in respect before Gloin came over and placed some wood down next to the kindling.

     "Thank you, Oin." I paused grabbing the pieces of steady and hard wood. "Always remember, never get too of big logs to start a fire otherwise it won't catch quickly." I paused going through the wood finding the perfect pieces. "And remember, the best way to make a fire is the TP technique." I grabbed three logs making a TP foundation as Oin and Gloin watched closely.

     "You are a very smart young lady, Saffron." Gloin exclaimed as I looked up to him with a warm smile.

     "And you sir, are a kind generous man," I spoke up as he shifted in his seat with a wide grin proudly. He nodded his head before I remembered my Father's best fire starter. "Let me go get my fathers fire starter," I paused standing to my feet and turning to where I left my bag. I ran to Lakota before grabbing my bag and running back over to the camp fire that wasn't lit to flames just yet. I sat down looking trough my bag before I pulled out the fire starter. I grabbed half of it and showed it to Oin and Gloin as they examined it. "See, this part is magnesium which is a certain type of metal." I paused before showing the other piece to the fire starter. "And this is a sharp piece of metal you use to scrape against the magnesium."

      "What does it do?" Oin questioned.

      "You know how most people scrape rock against rock to make sparks?" I questioned as they nodded their heads before I quickly used the fire starter making a hug spark the first time. "This is an instant fire starter," I smiled before using the fire starter a couple of times before the fire caught in a small flame by the kindling. They were astonished before talking to each other in excitement. But something caught my eye as I turned to see Gandalf quickly pacing away from us to his horse. "Everything all right?" I questioned standing to my feet. "Gandalf, where are you going?" I watched Gandalf mount on his horse frustratingly.

     "To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." Gandalf said.

     "And who's that?" Bilbo asked pitching in.

     "Myself, Mr. Baggins!" He raised his voice catching me by surprise. "I've had enough of Dwarves for one day." Gandalf stated, shifting in his saddle before him and his horse began galloping off away from our presence. I exchanged a few uneasy glances from the men, not sure what to do in this particular moment.

I love you all!

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