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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

I began to shift slightly in my sleep, not getting the most comfortable or the best feeling beneath me as pebbles and small rocks poked through my blanket. I heard some shuffling once I stopped moving, catching me off guard before whispers quietly echoed throughout the cave. I listened closely, making it completely sure it looked as if I were asleep.

"-ack to Rivendell," I heard my uncle's voice rumble throughout the dark cold cave, slightly gasping at the words I had just taken in.

No. What is he doing?

"No, no, you can't turn back now, eh? You're part of the company," I heard sweet old Bofur trying to reason with my uncle. "You're one of us." Bofur assured as I mentally agreed, but at the same time wondering if this was all because of Thorin and his hatred towards my uncle.

"I'm not, though, am I?" Bible questioned. "Thorin said I should never have come and he was right," my uncle paused as my fists clenched. "Saffron was meant to go on adventures, fight danger, and being the good to light." My heart sank at the words I had just adjusted to. "I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking." He paused with a sigh. "I should never have run out my door," He mumbled before I completely sat up looking directly at him with sadness and guilt. Bilbo and nor Bodur noticed my gaze before I glanced over to see Thorin's back as the hatred grew stronger.

"You're homesick," Bofur smiled placing a hang onto my uncles shoulder, trying to bring out the positive. I knew it wasn't because of that reason, he was afraid. He was afraid it was going to happen again, and deep down inside... so was I. "I understand."

"No, you don't! You don't understand!" He whispered aloud. "None of you do. You're Dwarves!" My uncle slightly raised his voice. "You're used to- to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo finished off as the sadness only fell deeper in my chest, knowing he went too far. Their past ruined their lives, none of that was any of their faults, none on moment was a choice they could've chosen. I quietly stood to my feet, slowly walking towards my uncle and Bofur just as my uncle's gaze interlocked with mine.

"Uncle," I gently breathed out, now only several feet from them both. My eyes met Bofur's with an assuring smile.

"Oh, I- I am sorry. I didn't," Bilbo tried to honestly apologize. He knew he shouldn't have said such words, but Bofur continued before my uncle could finish.

"No, you're right," he paused taking a glance in my direction. "We don't belong anywhere." He said half heartedly, my gaze transfixed on the ground. "I wish you all the luck in the world," Bofur smiled placing a hand on Bilbo's shoulder. "I really do."

"Uncle," I instantly grabbed his bicep, trying my best to stop his plans. "Why are you doing this?" I questioned, not breaking the gaze between my uncle. "You can't just leave this all behind," I paused. "You can't leave me." I felt a huge clump in the back of my throat, I knew my sorrow and tears were trying to get the best of me. "Uncle," I paused. "I can't loose you too." I breathed out as my eyes turned glossy, tears threatening to spill.

"Saffron. I-"

"What's that?" Bofur questioned, cutting my uncle off mid sentence, pointing directly at my uncles sword. My eyes grew wide as the bluish haze of the sword began to glow miraculously. It was beautiful, but I swore Gandalf had mentioned something about them glowing for a certain purpose in the past.

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