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A Journey To Remember
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Hello, everyone!
I just wanted to clarify;
this was the first book that I had written on this account about five years ago. My writing is definitely off, scenes aren't how I want them, and all together? This definitely isn't my best book. So, forgive me if you find incorrect grammar, cheesy scenes, or if some chapters are just rushed too quickly. I'm sparing you this only because; if I disappoint you, you'll know I had a pre-warning on my behalf.

With that being said,
I am so very humbled to see how far this book has actually come! Very many of you have read this book more than twice, and that alone shocks me beyond belief. It amazes me to see that such wonderful people like you actually enjoy this piece of work from a few years back (when my grammar, way of writing, and immature imagination, was at hand).

It has come very far,
And not to mention the votes, the comments, and let alone the reads! It amazes me to see such wonderful people like all of you who actually enjoy this book! ;)
I love you all so dearly!
You all mean so much to me!

Love, Hannah J.R.

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