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A Journey To Remember
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{S A F F R O N}

Legolas and I were walking side by side up the stairs to the royal King Thranduil of Mirkwood's throne, my heart was beating faster, the thoughts rushing through my head drove me insane before we reached the top as I instantly fell down to my knee in respect.

"My son," Thranduil's voice filled the atmosphere, echoing through the halls. "Of whom did you bring me to see?" He questioned as I slowly stood to my feet with my hands behind my back in respect.

"Your majesty," I paused bowing slightly. "I am Levónalehím Nightingale," I inhaled a breath. "My father was Donamanlé Nightingale." The moment I said my father's name, King Thranduil stood to his feet slowly walking towards me before he came to a stop.

"Child," he softly spoke. "There is no need for you to bow before me," he spoke in a gentle and loving tone lifting my chin to look directly into the Kings eyes. "I was much lesser of a man than your father ever was." I tried my best to hold in my tears, and I did. I maintained my tears greatly. "I heard about what happened to your mother and father, young one. If I knew anything of the sort before hand, I would've done everything in my power to stop such a treacherous work of filth scum from those orcs."

"Thank you, your Majesty. That's mean more than you know," I paused with a smile planted on my face before he stood up straighter with broad shoulders placing his hands behind his back.

"But what about your friends," he questioned as he walked towards his throne sitting down. "What is your doing with the dwarves?"

"Your Majesty, I committed my life into helping them reclaim their homeland that was once forgotten. I am willing to risk my life to give all those brave and courages men a home for their own, but I ask nothing of you but to set them free. Whatever punishment or wish you desire to give them, I ask you to give me the same in all honesty. What they are put through, so must I. I will repay you with anything you desire under any circumstance, if you let us continue our duty." He nodded his head agreeing to my statement.

"Of course," he paused. "I must speak to Thorin Oakenshield in agreement of your desire. In the meantime, my son will show you to your necessities, your bathing, and your garments." He nodded as I nodded in respect bowing once again.

"Thank you, your Majesty." I smiled as Legolas began to take me to my basic needs. But I still wondered how my uncle and the rest of the dwarves were doing down in the halls of the Woodlen Realm, dungeons.

{T H O R I N}

"Some may imagine that a Noble quest is at hand. A Quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon," Thranduil began as I watched his every move closely. "I myself, suspect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary, or something of that ilk. You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. A King's jewel," he paused as the Arkenstone flashed before my eyes. "The Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure, I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help," Thranduil finished as a smirk lifted from my lips.

"I am listening," I mumbled in agreement.

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine."

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