Eyes Watching

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(Y/n) POV:

It was a gorgeous Monday morning. The sun was shining, not a cloud in sight, and a soft breeze swept through my hair. I gently moved a piece of hair behind my ear and continued to walk through the meadow by my makeshift home. The meadow was filled with all different kinds of herbs, mushrooms, rocks, fruit trees, and flowers. Everything in this meadow helped me with what I do. Near the meadow was what seemed to be an abandoned mine shaft from many years ago. It didn't go very far, but it was filled with all kinds of different crystals. Sometimes I will sell the crystals as they are or make them into pendants. My home is an abandoned cabin that I found. It's not much, but it means everything to me.

I walked through the meadow picking various different herbs and flowers such as lavender, chamomile, dried leaves, dead roses, and many more. Of course I didn't take anything without asking permission first. That's one of the first things I learned about being a witch. Always ask before you take. The second thing I learned was to always listen to your gut and don't second guess yourself.

I know being a witch sounds scary especially in these times, but it's not all bad. I get to be here, sell items, give a fortune or a tarot reading every once in awhile. I also make spells, spell jars, sour jars, protection spells and jars, and more.

The reason I'm out today though is because I felt like I needed to. Ever since I woke up I've felt like I needed to head out of the meadow and north. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'll follow my gut. As I was walking something seemed off. It felt like I was being watched. I continuously looked around me to find no one. After many hours it was starting to get dark. "Maybe I got the time wrong? Maybe I was supposed to leave the moment I woke up? Or later?" I said to myself while heading back to my home. Not long after I heard a twig snap. I looked behind me to see multiple wolves surrounding me. I took my wand from my boot and prepared for the worst. I stared mainly at the largest wolf assuming it's the alpha when I noticed a strange glint in its eyes.

"So we meet again." I smirk down at the wolf. "You just can't get enough of me can you? You're just so obsessed with me! I can't believe you've been trying to get rid of me for this long." I said to the wolf smirking wider while keeping my guard up. The wolf snarled before speaking up. "This time you don't have anything or anyone to protect you. I told you to make a deal with me while you still had the chance. Now you're about to be dead by my own forces." The wolf started circling me. "We both know that I refuse to be defeated by a demon. You can't have my body and I refuse to make a deal with you." My hand slipped into my pocket for some salt. "Why not accept my deal? Hmm?" The wolf got closer and closer to me. "You can see your dear mother all you want. You can be as happy as you were back then (y/n)." I froze for a few seconds before glaring at the wolf. "This is my body. And don't bring my mother into this!!!" I yelled at the wolf. It got closer before sitting right in front of me. "Poor choice (y/n)."

Suddenly it lunged at me along with the few other wolves. They all bit into my skin leaving deep bite marks. I screamed in pain. It was hard to get control of either of my arms but I broke them free of the wolves jaws. I threw salt on the leader and it yelped in pain before retreating. My body suddenly felt heavy and I fell forwards. My head almost colliding with the ground, but the ground never came. Instead I was laid on my back facing the stars. There was a boy standing over me, but the only thing I could really see were his striking blue eyes. I could faintly see his mouth moving but there was only ringing in my ears. I brought my hand up to his cheek before whispering. "Did you know your eyes look like sapphires?" Next thing I knew everything was black.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now