Unexpected Visitors

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The next few days included a few dreams involving the princess and Varian. Mainly Varian and I talking and him helping me with my wand, Sunny and I going down to the spot where I lost my original wand. I ended up finding it but I was snapped in half. Every time I tried to use it something bad would happen.

I decided I'd keep it as a memory and started carving a new wand. I also created a small ball similar to the ones I used for my necklaces, but I made with one with a small opening that can be locked shut. I put the almost complete wand and the small ball into my bag along with different kinds of crystals and a large piece of pure iron. I put my amethyst necklace around my neck along with my protection pendant. I also put the broken wand in my bag. I turned to see Sunny. "Ready to head to Varian's?" I asked him as I watched him stretch. He purred softly and stood by me at the door.

We both left the house and started to make our way to Varian's. On the way I came across a few bones that looked to be part of a bat wing. I put the bones in my bag carefully and continued walking with Sunny.

"What's been with you and bones lately?" I asked while looking at Sunny. He of course didn't respond and kept walking. I hummed all the way to Varian's home. I carefully stepped over the trip wire that sets off the raccoon trap and opened his door. I started heading down to his lab. I heard some noise while I was walking down. 'He must be working on something new today. Hopefully he'll let me help him!' I thought to myself staring down at the stairs.

"Hey Sapphires I have a huge favor to ask and as a payment I brought-" I looked up and saw the princess laying on a table, Cassandra, and Varian. "Iron...from...the mine..." they all stared at me. The princess and Cassandra looking surprised while Varian had huge grin on his face. "While I appreciate the payment Milady you know you don't have to repay me." He said walking in front of me and picking up Sunny and setting him on a window sill for him to rest.

He suddenly turned to the princess and Cassandra. "Rapunzel, Cassandra, this is my best friend (y/n) and her cat Sunny." With that he started pulling a huge magnifying glass over to the princess. "Umm sapphires I hate to burst your bubble but we've met before." He looked up at me confused and then looked back at both of the other girls. "She was the girl you were talking about with the rocks wasn't she?" He asked pointing back at me with his thumb. The princess nodded while Cassandra glared at me.

I looked at both of them confused. "What happened to our deal?" Cassandra spoke up before the princess. "We're just here to figure out why Raps hair is back." I rolled my eyes. 'Oh yes and possibly revealing I'm a witch to someone who might be dangerous to me doesn't matter to me one bit.'

"Hey Varian it seems like you're really busy. I'll just come back tomorrow." I said picking up Sunny and going to walk up the stairs. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back slightly. "Wait! You can stay! And once I'm finished with them I can help you with whatever you needed my help for." He said smiling down at me. I blushed lightly and nodded. He pulled me back to sit on one of the chairs by his desk. I watched him pull the magnifying glass over Rapunzel hair.

"Oh yes. This, this, uh...it's very...long" He said moving the magnifying glass. I giggled. "I could've told you that Sapphires." "Don't worry your high-...Rapunzel. I am sure that I, Varian, can unlock the mystery of your hair with the power of science!" He pushed the magnifying glass away from him only to have it come around and hit him in the back of the head.

'Oh no.' I said to myself instantly getting up, but it was too late. He already had his hand on the back of his head and was looking at it. There was a tiny smear of blood on it. "No sweat! It's just a little-" with that he passed out. I quickly caught him before he could hit the ground.

I looked up at the princess. "I'm sorry princess. He's normally not like this." She only giggled at us. "You can just call me Rapunzel." She said offering me a smile. I stared at her for a little bit before nodded. I looked back down at Varian. "He should come back to it any minute." His eyes soon shot open and his head sprung up slamming into mine. "Ow! Varian!" I rubbed m forehead as he rubbed his own. "I'm sorry are you okay?!" I just laughed and nodded before helping him up.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now