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Varian's POV:

I ran all the way back to the caravan. I was panting and a hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to look up. "Varian? Where's (y/n)? What happened?!" Rapunzel said and I could tell she was starting to get worried. "Um about her...she's kind of stuck to the ground by vines. She's not hurt don't worry! I-I'm guessing it's just a new power she's getting?" I said rubbing the back of my neck not really sure as to what was going on with the vines. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right. You said that you left (Y/n) in the woods and she can't move from where she's at?!" Eugene said starting to panic and I rolled my eyes. "Relax she's not in any danger! Besides I left Ruddiger and Sunny with her. Now we have to move all of this to her!" I said gesturing to all of the decorations and the food that had been made for (Y/n)'s surprise party.

"We have to hurry! Come on!" I said as I started to pick things up and move them into the caravan. The others quickly followed and we were then on our way to where I'd left (Y/n). "Uh Varian, are you sure this is the way?" Cassandra asked me as she steered the horses. "Positive. (Y/n) used a dowsing rod and we went this way. There it is!" I yelled and the caravan stopped before the clearing. I jumped down off the seat and quickly grabbed a cloth to cover (Y/n)'s eyes while we set everything up.

I quickly ran and I smiled when I saw (Y/n) still standing there. She was petting Sunny and it looked like Ruddiger was trying to give her an apple. "I'm back!" I yelled as I ran up to her. She smiled and waved at me. 'She's so cute.' Once I go to her I crotched down onto my knees in front of her and pulled a vial out of my pocket. "Alright this should free milady from her leafy prison." I said smiling and I heard her laugh. "This should kill the vines surrounding your legs and free you at last." I said and I was about to put the liquid on the vines when a hand on my chin raised my head up to look at (Y/n).

"Sapphires you can't kill the vines." She said giggling and I felt my cheeks flare up. "Well what do you want to do about the vines?" I asked looking up at her. "U-umm..." She thought for a few seconds before her eyes lit up. "M-maybe I can try something." She said and she closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths. I quickly covered her eyes with the blindfold and she didn't notice somehow.

I backed away as I saw green covering her arms and legs. I could even see the vines attached to her arms start growing and flowers blooming. I turned around and waved for the others to start coming out and bringing everything. I turned back to her and watched as she flinched whenever she heard the others moving. "So care to explain why you were surrounded by plants earlier?" I asked hoping that us talking could distract her to an extent.

"O-oh Lady Persephone said she was helping to get me where I need to be. I-I think she connected me more to the earth? I-I also was able to meet Fate!" She said smiling and I looked down at the ground and saw the vines around her feet to slowly go back into the ground. "R-really? How was that?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. From what they told me it's basically a whole brand new god of fate. It used to be the three fate sisters, but now it's one person. He doesn't seem to know what he's doing either so that might be worrisome in the future. They also kind of said that he's the one that put you getting possessed in stone." She said and the green around her hands started to disappear.

"Hermès also gets some of the information he trades from Fate's book of Fate. A-and the book gets its information to the tree of knowledge? I-it's kind of confusing now that I think about it." She said and she tried to look up at me and she raised her hands in front of her. "U-um s-sapphires?" She asked and she seemed scared. "Yes milady?" "I-I th-think I'm blind?! Oh my god I'm a blind witch!" She said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop laughing! This isn't funny! Plus you should be devastated! If I'm blind then that means I can never see you ever again and one of the last things I saw of you was you running away and leaving me here!" She said pouting and crossing her arms. "Love you're wearing a blindfold." I said as I placed her hands in the fabric. I watched as her cheeks turned a bright red from embarrassment.

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