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I was standing out in the meadow with a basket in my arms. I was looking up at the once crystal clear blue sky. There were these large dark clouds moving in. "This...doesn't feel right..." I said softly to myself staring up at the clouds only to have the wind shove me back. "Okay universe first off OW!!! Secondly...why does this not feel like you?" I said picking myself and my fallen basket up. When I was picking up various herbs and flowers I came face to face with Sunny. "Hey Sun! What's up?" He tilted his head up to reveal a piece of rolled up parchment tied loosely around his neck.

I smiled brightly completely forgetting about the strange feeling in my gut. "This must be from Varian!" I said while carefully untying the note. I sat down on in the tall grass and Sunny crawled into my lap. "Are you ready for my Varian impression? I have to say Sunny it's spot on!" I could practically feel Sunny roll his eyes.

I cleared my throat and made my voice slightly deeper. "Dear milady,
As you know the situation with the black rocks have gotten way too out of hand for anyone's liking. I'm getting so close to cracking the case on these rocks, but you know my dad. He doesn't really approve of me doing this. But get this! He's letting me come along with him to visit the king. We can all finally work out a solution to these rocks! I will make my dad proud of me! I can feel it, as you would say, in my gut!" I giggled as I read out loud to Sunny before continuing.

"I asked my dad if we would be able to stop by the meadow, but he said no. He said that 'we have to keep on the trial and no distractions'. While I agree that you can sometimes be a distraction, you will always be my absolute favorite distraction, milady. You will also be missing out on these amazing ham sandwiches I made for us." I turned to look down at Sunny. "I don't know if that's a compliment but I'm taking it as one! And I'm personally offended by the sandwiches part. His sandwiches are the best." I cleared my throat again before continuing to read the letter. "I won't be able to see you today, but I will tell you all that happened the next time I see you! I love you Milady!

I rolled the letter back up and placed it in my basket. I stood up only to be met with a strong wind pushing me forwards. I turned around and glared at the sky. "Listen Zeus, if this is your storm if you even think about touching a single blade of grass I will come after you fill force!" I yelled up to the clouds. I turned on my heel and picked Sunny up. "There's something really wrong with this storm. It doesn't feel like a normal, universe is upset, or poor Zeus got his feelings hurt, storm. It's a lot stronger. Something is up...I just don't know what." I said to Sunny as we walked into the cabin.

I sat everything down on the table, light some incense, and started sorting everything. "What do you think this storm is going to bring Sunny?" I looked up to only see Sunny asleep. I smiled softly and went back to sorting everything and putting things away.

The wind from outside was so strong that I could hear it from inside. The feeling in my gut just kept getting worse and worse. I stood up from the table and placed my new protection pendant around my neck. I grabbed a piece of parchment and started writing.

This couldn't wait. There is a huge storm coming and it's nothing good. I have no idea what is causing it yet, but please be careful. I'm not even sure if it's supposed to start today or not. But it's moving incredibly fast! Don't leave your home once you arrive there. I'm only sending Sunny with this note because I know he can survive anything. Cats have nine lives and familiars have more making him practically immortal. If you get caught in the storm Sunny will bring you and Quirin to the meadow. All I ask is that you're extremely careful. Keep the pendant I gave you on at all costs! There's no telling what this storm will bring. I love you. Please stay safe.

I rolled up the piece of parchment and started petting Sunny's head. "Sun I need you to wake up. I have an important job for you." He slowly opened his emerald green eyes and stretched before getting up. I tied the note around him. "Get this to Varian as fast as you can. Once you're with him stay with him until he returns to his home. If you get stuck in the storm bring them both here right away. If even a spec of snow or a drop of rain starts falling when you're closer to here than their home you need to come here straight away. Don't take no as an answer from Quirin. I know he's stubborn, but I know you'll figure something out."

I finished tying the note around him as I explained everything. I kissed the top of his head. "Be safe. Bring them home safely." I said. He rubbed his forehead into mine before jumping off the table and out the window. I watched as he ran off through the meadow already on Varian's scent. "Be safe Sapphires."

Less than an hour later Sunny returned with another note. "You're back! And the storm hasn't started yet! You are one amazing feline, Sunny!" I said as I picked him up and hugged him. He purred at my compliment and I set him down untying the note.

There is so much to tell you I'm not sure I can fit it all on this paper." I turned to Sunny. "Let's hope that it was all good things." I said as I stared down at the paper. "I don't know about you but my gut is telling me that it's bad news." Sunny nodded and I continued reading.

"When my dad and I visited the king my dad completely lied to him! My dad, Quirin, lied to the King of Corona! He didn't mention the rocks either! They're tearing our entire village apart! I don't understand why my dad would lie about us having a great harvest this year when it's the exact opposite! To make matters even better, he told me that I wouldn't understand because I'm a kid and to not touch the rocks. As frustrated as I am with my dad, there is still hope. Rapunzel assured me that our promise is still there. She said that we'd figure out more about the rocks once the king and queen return. I really appreciate you worrying about my dad and I by the way. Strangely we didn't see a single dark cloud in the sky practically the entire trip. There was a lot of wind though I'll give you that milady. I'll see you in a couple day! I love you.

I sat the note down and Sunny rubbed his head against my hand. I scratched behind his ear as I let out a sigh. "Something big is coming and I'm going to find out what it is." I stood up from my chair and went to my collection of legends, spells, mythology, and more. "We're bound to find something." I said as I started pulling out various books.

My head was stuck in a book when something made a loud thud. I jumped at the sound and looked at where it came from. A rather large book was on the floor open. I picked up the book and looked at it. There was a picture that looked like a snowstorm over a kingdom. "I-Is that Corona?!" Suddenly my vision was covered in white. I closed my eyes.

Once I opened them I was standing right where I was before the light. I looked around me only to see my body laying on the floor unconscious with my eyes rolled back. "Varian was right that's really scary when you look at it." I said staring at my own eyes. "We don't have much time." I turned around only to see Demanitis and Sunny sitting next to each other.

"Where have you been Demanitis?! You know I've done a lot of things all without your help thank you very much. What's up with that?! You just leave a witch who can't control her powers with a cat?! I thought you were the responsible one!!" I ranted as I stared down at him. He sighed before motioning me to sit down with them. I sat down and handed him the book. "It's time you learn about your demon, (y/n)."

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now