Hookfoot's Magical Date

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Hello! Welcome back! I hope everyone got a snack, got something to drink, maybe even made friends with a spirit. Who knows what you guys do in your free time! Anyways let's get back to Hookfoot and his date.

We were all in a small boat that Eugene was rowing in the small lagoon where we'd met Seraphina earlier. We all watched as Seraphina peaked to look at Hookfoot. We all got out of the boat and I snapped my fingers. Blue surrounded me and left me in a white shirtsleeve button up, black shorts, and a black tie.

Rapunzel started playing a guitar along with Pascal

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Rapunzel started playing a guitar along with Pascal. "Sorry about all of the ear sweat." Hookfoot said as he rang out a towel filled with sweat. Varian and I walked on both sides of Eugene and he was carrying a plate of halibut with a fancy cover. "Eugene are you sure about the food? I mean...she is technically part fish." I said and Eugene just smiled. "It'll be fine kiddo." He said and I was still unsure about it. "Don't worry, milady, even if she doesn't like dinner she's going to love dessert." Varian said boasting about the dessert he made for everyone. 

"Bonjour, bienvenue, and welcome. I'm Eugene, this little witch is (Y/n), and that little scientist is Varian. We'll be taking care of you tonight." Eugene introduced us like waiters and we both did a small nod to both of them and watched as Eugene placed the tray onto the table. "Our first course, fresh halibut." Eugene said and he uncovered the tray. Seraphina gasped at the fish. "Steve!" She said and one of Rapunzel's guitar strings broke. Eugene covered the tray back up and gave her an awkward smiled. "And I'm sure Steve is gonna pull right through." Eugene said before slowly walking away.

"I tried to tell you, but god forbid anyone listen to the witch." I said and turned to face Seraphina. "While I'm not entirely sure if you actually do eat souls, Varian and I can go find Shorty for you. His soul might not be the best though now that I think about it." I said biting my lip softly and looking down. "You know what? I'll serve myself." Seraphina said before diving into the water. "Well that makes our job easier." Varian said and I nodded as we walked away. Seraphina popped back out of the water with a handful of kelp. "Kelp?" She said before putting it on the table.

Hookfoot ate the kelp slowly. Eugene leaned over to Hookfoot. "You know what food you might like? Try the simmer." Eugene said wiggling his eyebrows making Varian facepalm next to me. Rapunzel and Pascal continued strumming. "I hear it's wonderful." Eugene said before walking away. We all watched as Hookfoot tried to do the simmer once more. Surprisingly Seraphina wasn't scared by it. She looked more confused than anything. "Why is your face doin that?" She said before moving right next to him and held onto his arm. "Is the kelp not sittin right?" She asked and Rapunzel walked by them. "Just say whatever comes naturally to your mind." She sang off tempo and I giggled.

Hookfoot gestured up to the sky. "Uh, look at this weather, huh? Boy, is it weather!" Hookfoot said and Varian leaned over whispering in my ear. "Even though he's not really doing so hot, she still seems like she's having a good time." He said and I nodded. "You're right, Sapphires." K said and intertwined our fingers swinging our arms slightly.

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