Can it, Dwayne

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I now stood with Sunny, Max, Rapunzel, and the captain in one of the hallways at what I assume is the middle of the night. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "This is why you woke me up, Maximus?" The captain asked face palming. "I'm sure he had a good reason." I said softly rubbed my eyes once more. Max whined and started acting out what happened before we all saw Axel carrying a bag. Max launched at Axel and tugging on the bag causing it to break and drop all the coins inside on the floor. "What? You think Axel is stealing money? Max he's loading the cart for his mission tomorrow. He's taking initiative! Like a good horse! And now he's got to pick up all these coins, thanks to you! Good night." With that the captain left. "Poor Axel." Rapunzel said before scoffing at him and hugging Axel. I pet Max's side as I saw Axel smirk and wink at Max. Max started neighing and jumping. I was about to intervene but Rapunzel beat me to it.

"Hey hey! What is going on with you?! Leave Axel alone! I'm going back to bed and you need to do the same." Max started to walk away before turning back. "Now." Rapunzel said with authority dripping from her tone. Max's head dropped and he kept walking. I ran to catch up with him and rubbed his back. "Don't worry Max. Sunny and I are with you." Sunny and I walked around with Max trying to cheer him up, but nothing was working.

"Hiya (y/n), Max, and of course Sunny!" Uncle Monty greeted us. "Hey Uncle Monty!" He held up a purple piece of candy. "Pretty good likeness of Axel, huh!" He said and I watched as Max started to leave and a kid started yelling about how the candy was the best candy horse ever. "H-hey Monty do you have any of the Maximus ones left?" He thought for a second before smiling. "I think I do have one left." He walked back inside and handed it to me. "Are you sure you don't want an Axel one?" "I'm positive Monty. I prefer originals." I gave him a few coins before catching up with Max.

Max held his head down as I walked next to him. "Look guys Axel signed my forehead!" I rolled my eyes at them before looking at Max. "Max I will literally let you sign my forehead if it makes you feel better." I said smiling at him, but he continued to look down. We passed some guards and Max stood at attention. The guards simply ignored Max and kept walking.

There was a clap of thunder and it started to rain. "Oh man this means it's raining at the meadow and I can't collect the water." I said looking up at the sky. I watched as Max was looking at the bulletin board. He suddenly ripped something off and showed it to me. I watched as he covered the mask part of the horses head. "Is that?!" Max simply nodded and I picked Sunny up before getting into Max. "Let's go!" With that he took off.

Max went to the stable. I jumped down from his back and started looking inside the different areas. I walked inside one of the stalls and looked around before the floor caved in. I screamed as I fell and hit the ground landing face first. I groaned as I sat up. Max neighed at me before being shoved into the hole himself. I looked up and saw Axel smirking at both of us before fleeing. "Don't worry Max I can get us out of here." I said standing up and raising my hand above my head. A purple mist flowed through my hands. There was a burning pain spreading from my shoulders down to my back and chest, and up my neck. I let out a scream and the purple mist vanished. I fell onto my knees panting.

Max rubbed his head against mine trying to see if I was okay. "I-I'm fine." I said while still on my hands and knees. Once I caught my breath, I moved to sit cross cross. I carefully unwrapped the large bandages on my left arm. Once I did Max and Sunny stared at me worried. Myths entirety was purple and blue. You couldn't even tell what my natural skin color was at this point. I carefully wrapped my arm back up wincing every now and then. I placed my hand on my neck gently only to be met with pain shooting up my neck. I placed the hood of my cloak over my head to try and hide all the bruising on my neck.

"Max?! (Y/n)?!" I heard Rapunzel yell before she gasped. I looked up and she was standing at the edge of the hole. "Oh no! Are you two okay? Why didn't you just magic out of there?" She asked helping me out first. "There's no time! Cmon we have to get Max out of there." Rapunzel wrapped her hair around Max and both of us tried to pull him out. "C-can you get him out with magic?" She asked still pulling. "I tried but it's no use." We both sighed as we let go. "How do we get you out of here Max?" Rapunzel said before Pascal ran up her hair and onto her shoulder before pointing at a bag full of apples. She grabbed an apple and threw it in the air a couple times. "Oh Maaaax, I've got your favorite! Shiny red deliciousness!" "Punz I don't think that's going to work." I said looking down at Max who had his head down. "It will work! Aaannnd jump!" She threw the apple in the air, but it hit him on the back of the head and rolled onto the floor. "I told you. He's been like this for days now." I said sighing and staring down at Max.

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