Art Class

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I opened my eyes and saw Sunny standing on my chest staring down into my soul. "Give me a few more minutes." I said closing my eyes again only to be met with a paw on my nose. I groaned and pushed his paw away. I felt him jump off of me and I got comfortable in the bed again. When I was taking a breath in, I felt pressure on my face, and fur in my nose. I groaned and picked Sunny off of my face and sat up with him in my lap.

"Alright! I'm up! Happy?" I asked and he simply purred and nodded. I rubbed my eyes and got off of the bed. I got dressed into what I was wearing yesterday. "Cmon Sunny. Let's go get what's left on Varian's list." I said holding the door open for him to walk out first. We were walking down the many halls of the palace.

"(Y/n)!" I heard my name and turned around to see Lance and Rapunzel. "Oh hey!" I said waving to them as they came up to me. "Where are you guys headed to today?" I asked smiling at them. "We're going to an art class! It's run by Mrs. Sugarby." Rapunzel said and my smile faltered. "This class is going to make me more money than the king." Lance said already dreaming about the money he could make from his art. "You should join us! It'll be so much fun!" Rapunzel said smiling and practically pleading with her eyes for me to join.

"I-I'm not sure. Mrs. Sugarby just gives off really dangerous vibes. I don't really think anyone should be taking her art class. She invited me to it already, but I declined." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "But she's nothing but a sweet old lady." Rapunzel said with her 'There's food in everyone' voice. "You guys can go and knock yourselves out, but if she ends up scolding you at every turn or ends up being a skin walker don't say I didn't warn you." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Wait what's a skin walker?" Lance asked with a small look of fear in his eyes. "Shapeshifters." I said before looking down at Sunny. "I'd love to stay and keep talking, but I have a few more things to get for Sapphires today. I'll see you guys soon." I said smiling and waving at them as I left the castle.

We were walking around the city when I looked down at Sunny. "Want to make a bet kitty?" He looked up at me and nodded. "I bet that Mrs. Sugarby is a skin walker. If she isn't you win if she is I win. If you win I'll take 3 whole days to practice everything I've been learning. If I win a get 3 days off. Sound good?" Sunny nodded and we headed into one of the stores.

Sunny and I got the last few things Varian needed and and sent them to him. We continued walking until we found a large tent in the center of the city. I looked down at Sunny and saw him staring at it as well. "Best time to follow your curiosity is with a cat." I said smiling down at Sunny.

I opened the tent and peaked my head inside. I saw a few people standing around and painting what looked like a small dead tree. I watched as Rapunzel stared at her canvas in concentration. She broke her concentration and waved at me and gestured for me to come inside. I looked around cautiously before heading inside and looking at her painting.

"So what do you think?" Rapunzel asked gesturing to her painting. I looked at it and tilted my head to the side. "This yours?" She smiled and nodded. "B-but this isn't your style at all. Your art is all about the beauty you can't see. Always a sort of positive art form. With spirals, bright colors, and more. This...this is just boring and not you at all." I said while staring at the bland painting. "I've just been in some sort of painters block. Mrs. Sugarby told me to just paint it how I see it exactly." She said smiling at her painting. "I'm not an expert on art, but that doesn't sound right to me." I said softly.

"Rapunzel this is perfect!" Mrs Sugarby said coming up to Rapunzel's painting. "It is?" Rapunzel and I both asked. "In fact, it's one of the strongest in the class. No offense Lance." Lance just smiled at her. "None taken." We all watched as he slapped a price tag on it. I giggled as he walked out. "I'm very proud of the work you did today Rapunzel." Mrs. Sugarby said. "Hate to be the downer here but I'm not. Rapunzel your talent exceeds whatever this is." I said gesturing to the tree. "You little girl have no idea what you're talking about. Rapunzel painted the tree exactly!" Mrs. Sugarby said slowly raising her voice.

I looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of my neck. "Art isn't copying." I said barely above a whisper. "Cmon Sunny. Sapphires is waiting for us." I picked Sunny up and walked to the exit of the tent. "Hey Rapunzel. Please keep in mind about what we talked about yesterday. I think it would be beneficial for the both of you to talk this out." With that I left the tent. "Let's go see Sapphires. Hopefully he hasn't blown up the entire lab." With that I waved my hand over my head and we appeared right in front of Varian's home.

I opened the front door and looked around his home searching for him. "Sapphires! I'm back! And I brought Sunny with me! I think I met a skin walker! I could really use someone to tell me that skin walkers are made up and aren't scientifically possible!" I yelled still searching for him. I went down to the lab, but no sapphires. "He's not even here to tell me that there's no such thing as skin walkers. Well he missed his chance." I said as I stared up at the cloth covering the amber. I looked all around me to make sure no one was there.

I reached up and removed the cloth. I took a deep breathe before raising my hands towards the original spot where I started melting the amber. I calmed down my breathing and I felt magic flow through my fingertips. Purple mist started surrounding my hands. Along with the mist came the burning pain that always comes with it. I could practically see parts of my skin bubbling through the mist. I scrunched my eyes closed and took another deep breath. I opened my eyes and focused on the amber.

I continued to focus on the amber and the mist started to flicker the familiar blood red. 'Don't panic. That's just what she wants you to do.' I thought to myself as I kept my mind clear. 'Oh darling right now I should be the least of your worries.' I heard the voice in the back of my head say. 'This is part of her game. She wants you to lose your focus.' I shook my head and focused back on the amber. I could see the amber getting ready to start melting.

The mist crawled up my arms and the pain became worse. "Stay calm. Stay focused." I said softly to myself through gritted teeth. 'What was that lovely woman's name? Ah yes! Mrs. Sugarby. She is something else isn't she? One of my personal favorites.' The voice said slowly making its way to the front of my mind. "W-what do you mean?" I asked and I saw the mist flicker blood red once more. 'Now darling it's rude to pry in others business.' The voice said in a teasing tone. The mist started flickering more and more. My eyes started to twitch. "My friends are with her! What do you mean by one if your favorites?!" My voice got louder and louder and I shook my head trying to gain what control I had. 'You'll find out soon enough darling.' I felt my eyes start to roll back into my head, but before they fully could my hands were shoved down towards the ground and my body started falling.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and carefully bring me to the ground. "(Y/n), I told you that this was dangerous to you." Varian's soft voice filled my ears. Before I could tell him I was okay my vision went black.

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