Unfinished Business

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"Not necessarily how I imagined meeting your family." Rapunzel said to Eugene and I stared wide eyed at the spirits surrounding us. One of the spirits grabbed Lance by the leg and started flying around with him. Pascal tried to help only for the spirit to grab into him. Pascal used his tongue to hit the spirits eye and he dropped both of them. "Adira, catch me!" Lance yelled only for Adira to catch Pascal. I felt a tug on my sleeve and saw Sunny pulling on my shirt. I stared at him and he continued pulling me. I got away from Varian and he grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?" "Following the cat? What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked before following Sunny once more.

Sunny was dodging the ghosts and heading straight for my wand. One of the ghosts with a sword raised it up to hit me. I quickly ducked and slid on the ground barely missing the blade. My finger tipis touched the familiar wood of my wand and I grabbed it. Sunny sat in front of one of the many statues and I stared at him confused. "Sunny?" I asked before he quickly turned to the side to hiss at nothing. I quickly looked around and saw everyone fighting off the spirits. 'They are seriously trying to fight ghosts that can't really be hurt.' I thought to myself and one of the ghosts came towards me with a large axe. I dodged as the axe slammed against the floor.

"We can't fight them!" I called out to the others. I watched as one of the ghosts approached Varian. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him away with me. "They keep coming back!" Lance yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Obviously!" I shouted. "Then we got here just in time." I looked over my shoulder to see Shorty riding Max. We were all completely surrounded and my head was pounding more by the second.

"Couldn't get through those ghosts, huh?" Eugene said joining us. "Believe it or not, they are surprisingly stubborn." Rapunzel said. "Go figure. (Y/n), tell us what you know about stubborn spirits." Eugene said and I nodded. "These spirits are bound by an oath to protect the moon stone. Making protecting the moon stone their unfinished business. Only way to really stop them is to finish their business for them, destroy the exact thing that they are haunting, or burn the body. Don't even try to reason with them because there is only one thing on their mind and that's protecting the moon stone." I said as some of the others got taken down.

I heard a sharp hiss coming from behind me and I turned to see the female ghost with fangs hissing at me. Before I could react, she had already shoved me making the back of my head hit the wall. I groaned as I slid down to the floor. My vision was blurry as I tried to make out the others. When my vision returned slightly I saw Shorty being shoved into Varian, Rapunzel, and Eugene.

"Lance, don't give up." I heard Rapunzel say and I saw Lance holding one of the ghosts axes. "Okay, Lance, buddy. I think we learned something today. Everyone has a destiny. We have no idea what that fate is, but we do know one thing. We are not gonna meet it today!" Lance said before running off to the corner of the room. Lee grabbed Adira's sword and jumped into the air destroying one of the statues. "The statues! Of course!" I said and my gaze met with Sunny's. I mouthed a 'good kitty' to him and he rubbed against one of the statues satisfied.

"Lance, you're a genius! And that's the first and last time I'll ever say that!" Eugene yelled out and Adira helped me up. "Guys! Cover for Lance!" Rapunzel yelled and everyone split up ready to destroy the statues. Lance threw the sword to Adira and she used her feet to destroy her statue. "Max! Heads up!" Adira threw the sword towards the horse and he easily caught it in his mouth. Max used the sword against the legs of the statue and it fell on top of one of the spirits as it disappeared. Max kicked the sword to Cassandra and she hit the statue in the chest. She threw the sword to me. I caught it and saw Varian next to a statue. "Sapphs!" I yelled before throwing the sword. He almost dropped it a couple of times before he had a firm grip on it. He wasn't towards the back of the statue and cut its Achilles heels making the statue fall in on itself. Rapunzel grabbed the sword with her hair and flung it through the air. It landed in the ground and Eugene grabbed it. Eugene tripped over an axe and dropped the sword making it slid away from him. Just as he was about to be hit with the axe the ghost disappeared.

We all looked towards the statue to see Edmund. "Our family is just awful." He said and the statue was sliced clean on the top. It fell over onto the not finished statue of himself destroying it. I giggled as I saw Rapunzel slid over to Eugene and kiss him. An arm draped around my waist and I smiled knowing exactly who it was. "I gotta say, they are quite the power couple." I said to Varian and he shrugged. "I don't know. I like us more." He said and I laughed shoving him lightly.

Lance, Max, Edmund, and Adira all worked together to move the head of Edmund's statue that was blocking the door. "It's all up to you now." Edmund said and I looked down at the ground the feeling in my gut still there. "No, it's up to us." Rapunzel said and I glanced at her to see her smiling at Varian, Cass, Eugene, and I. We all crawled under the head and into the small opening leading to the Moon Stone.

Once inside, we all looked around. The power from the moon stone was so strong I could feel it. "We made it, guys." Rapunzel said and we all stared at the moon stone. Rapunzel's hair started to glow and levitate once more. All of the rocks glowing and pointing towards the moon stone. Rapunzel walked to the very edge of the platform and my eyes couldn't help but glance at Cass for a moment before going back to Rapunzel. The room was soon only full of the glow from the moon stone and Rapunzel's hair.

Rapunzel hesitantly took a step forwards. Her foot made contact with something and it was glowing. With each step she took, a walkway appeared right where it needed to be. The four of us glanced at each other before nodding and following her. Varian and I held hands as we stood behind Cassandra and Eugene. We reached the end of the walkway and the feeling in my gut became worse than ever as Rapunzel smiled back at Varian, Cass, and I. Rapunzel rubbed the back of her neck before approaching Cass.

"Look, I know these past few months haven't been easy for us." She said holding Cass' hands in hers. "I wanna thank you for everything." Rapunzel said before engulfing her in a hug. I squeezed Varian's hand as I hoped my gut was wrong. I stared wide eyed as Cass didn't hug her back. 'Oh no.' "Okay, Rapunzel. It's time." Cass said and I quickly glanced between the two best friends. Rapunzel turned to Varian and I pulling both of us into a hug. "Thank you both so much for coming on this journey with me." Rapunzel said softly to us and I couldn't help but tear up a little bit. Varian and I both hugged her tight for a few seconds before pulling away. I wiped my eyes and I heard Varian sniffle next to me. Rapunzel turned back around to face Eugene and held his hand. "This is it, Rapunzel. Now go get your destiny." Eugene said and Rapunzel kissed his hand and placed it against her cheek. "I love you." She said just loud enough for us to hear. Eugene kissed her forehead and booped Pascal's nose before slowly walking towards the moon stone.

The moon stone revealed itself to her and I covered my eyes before hiding in Varian's neck. "I can't watch." I said softly and one of his gloved hands rubbed my back. I peaked through my fingers just to see Rapunzel reaching for the moon stone only to have it snatched by Cassandra. A soft gasp left my lips as I stared at her.

"Cassandra? What are you doing?" Rapunzel asked and I clenched my wand in my hand. "I knew it." I said softly under my breathe. Rapunzel's hair lost its glow as it fell to the floor. Cassandra clenched the stone in her hand and she appeared to be in pain. "I'm finding my destiny!" She said and a blinding blue light came out of the stone. We were all pushed back to the doors of the room. I quickly sat up to stare at Cassandra. "Cass!" I yelled before something caught my eye. Next to her was a large shadow with glowing green eyes and ram horns.

Cassandra shoved the moon stone into her armor before letting out a painful scream. Black rocks started forming around us, one even coming between Varian and I. Cassandra was surrounded by the blue glow as her armor broke away only to be replaced with the black rocks. Her once black hair turned a bright blue as she yelled once more. The light went away as Cassandra was laughing.

"I tried to warn you, Rapunzel." Cassandra said taking a step forward having black rocks surround her foot. "You have to be careful who you trust." Cassandra said and I saw the shadow that had been next to her vanish.

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