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Dream time:

"Cassandra wait!" I heard Rapunzel yell and right in front of me was a large dark shadow with ram horns. A smirk formed on the shadow while it reached down to touch someone's shoulder. "No!" I screamed seeing an unsuspecting Varian right in front of the shadow's extended hand. I shoved him out of the way as fast and has hard as I could. What felt like sharp claws scratched me from my shoulder blade across and to my waist. The scratch burned and I could feel the pain going deeper and deeper into my skin with every passing second.

I fell forwards onto my hands and knees and Varian sat not to far from me looking behind me in horror. His eyes shot to me, but it only lasted a second as a thick black smoke surrounded every inch of me. I inhaled the smoke and I was left in a coughing fit. 'Now this is more like it.' Something sickeningly whispered in my ear. "S-stop...please." I said trying to get my words out. I felt something wrap around my neck lifting me so I sat on my knees with my head tilted back. I felt something start seeping into my body through the scratches on my back.

My eye widened and I tried to use some of my magic to protect myself, but every time I tried I was only met with the same black smoke oozing from my hands even darker than before. 'Yes! It's finally happening!' The voice started laughing maniacally and I started to feel light headed. "N-no....stop...I'm...begging you." I barely got out and my vision started to get blurry. My eyes rolled to the back of my head in an instant. 'Let the show begin, dearie.' The voice said right behind me and I felt like I was falling. I felt metal wrap around my wrists and clamp around my neck. White started to cloud my vision and I opened my mouth to scream.

A scream left my lungs as I lunged forward frantically looking around to see various colors surrounding me. I stared down at my lap and I ran my hands through my hair as tears poured from my eyes. I heard a door slam open and felt eyes on me. "What's wrong?" "Who screamed?!" "Open the windows. Get all this smoke out of here." "It was (Y/n)." I didn't look up at them and more tears left my eyes as the dream replayed over and over again in my head.

I felt my bed dip in slightly and a hand was placed on my cheek. "It's okay, (Y/n). We all get nightmares." Rapunzel said trying to make me feel better. "You guys head back to bed. I got this." Varian said and Rapunzel moved away from the bed. "Come on, love." He said softly as he carefully guided my hands away from my hair. Once my hands were away from my head he carefully placed his arms around my waist and I let mine go around his neck.

He picked me up and carried me to his bed. He sat down on the bed so I was in his lap and against his chest. My hands rested on his chest and I clenched his shirt between my fists starting to cry more. "Hey, it's okay." He said softly and I shook my head no. "I-it wasn't just a nightmare." I said softly looking up at him. Varian tilted his head to the side confused. "Y-you were there a-and a dark shadow tried to hurt you and black smoke. Zhan tiri!" I rambled out hiccuping every few seconds and Varian placed his hands on my cheeks wiping away my tears. "Love, I need you to calm down. I can't understand a word you're saying." He said softly and he took a few deep breaths with me.

I told him about my dream and I wiped my eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt a-and I don't want to put anyone in danger. I don't want Zhan tiri taking over my body. The first time she took over my body was a miracle because she got out. If she gets in again the chances of her getting out are so slim. She's intelligent and has probably learned from her mistakes. I physically and mentally don't think I can go through that again." I said softly before hiccuping. "Maybe...maybe going on this journey was a bad idea." I said softly and looked down biting my lip softly.

"Hey, it wasn't a bad idea. And nothing bad is going to happen to either of us or the others. I personally will make sure that nothing like that happens to you." Varian said softly and wiped my tears away. He pulled me down so I was laying on him with his arms around my waist. "Varian." I said softly looking up at him. He ran one of his hands through my hair. "Yes, milady?" He asked and I bit my lip softly. "When it does happen...please promise me that you'll do whatever it takes to stop her, and I mean whatever it takes."

He sighed before pressing a soft long kiss to my forehead. "I'll do anything within reason. I don't plan on losing you so soon. We still have things to do before you can go. And officially topping the lantern date is definitely one of those." He said and I laughed softly and sniffled. I snuggled closer into him as I got more comfy. My nose was pressed between his shoulder and neck and our legs tangled together. "Can...can I stay here the rest of the night?" I asked softly and a blanket was pulled over us. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Varian said softly and I soon drifted to sleep with his hands running through my hair.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now