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Dream time:
It was a beautiful day. And I appeared to be at some sort of festival. I looked to my left and saw a boy. He had black hair with a single blue streak, an apron, gloves, and goggles. 'He's kind of cute.' I thought to myself. He turned to me and smiled. "So why did you bring me here sapphires?" I asked. He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well you told me that you've never been to the kingdom festivals before and I thought that this would be the best choice. This festival is for the lost princess. It's one of the more mellow festivals in Corona." I nodded and stared at all of the decorations. "She's alive you know." I said to him. He rolled his eyes. "You keep saying that, but she's been missing for 18 years now. No one knows where she could be." It was now my turn to roll my eyes. I interlocked our fingers and started walking to the festival. "Cmon let's go look around!" With that everything went white.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in a different room. 'This isn't the cabin. There's no jars, crystals, or anything here. Just the bed and a dresser and closet.' I slowly started to sit up but laid back down immediately. I hissed in pain feeling like I got hit by a carriage. I looked at my body and saw it covered in bandages. 'Oh yeah...demons...' I said to myself. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and in walked the boy from my dream. He was carrying a bowl carefully. When he looked up at me he jumped almost dropping the bowl.
"If anyone should be afraid it should be me." I said smiling softly at him. "S-sorry I just didn't think you'd be awake." He said before putting the bowl on the dresser. "Here let me help you sit up." I nodded and he placed his hands under my back and helped me sit up. I hissed a bit in pain to which he apologized for. "I'm really sorry if the bandages aren't wrapped properly. I don't know much about first aid, and my dad isn't here right now." He said while getting up and grabbing the bowl again. "It's alright. Thank you for dressing my wounds. I really appreciate it." He nodded. "So how are you feeling? I found you in the middle of the woods about 3 days ago bleeding to death." He said while gently putting the bowl in my lap. "Surprisingly this isn't the worst that has happened to me." I laughed softly. "Everything hurts though, but that's to be expected when you get attacked by wolves." He nodded.

"So what's your name sapphires?" I asked while picking up the spoon and bringing what I assume is soup to my mouth. "Sapphires?" He questioned. I took a break from blowing on the soup. "Your eyes. They look like sapphires." "O-oh thanks I guess? My name is Varian." I nodded. "I'm (y/n)." "It's nice to meet you. So what were you doing out in the woods so late?"
I looked down at the half empty bowl of soup. "I had a gut feeling something was going to happen. So I went and followed my gut." I said taking another spoonful. "Wait. You went into the woods and almost got killed by wolves because of a gut feeling?" I nodded. "I don't know if that's the craziest thing I've heard or the craziest thing I've heard." He said taking away the now empty bowl. I rolled my eyes. "That's just how it is with me. Plus something did happen. I got attacked by wolves, I survived, and I made a friend. I think my gut is pretty great." I said laughing. "Friend?" He questioned. I simply nodded and smiled.

"Umm you should really change those bandages. I couldn't bandage everything because of um..." he suddenly blushed and I knew what he meant. "A-and I'm not really the best around blood." I nodded. "Okay I get it. Can you just get me some bandages and ointment?" He nodded and left the room.
He came back not too long after with bandages and a vial of a blue liquid.
"Okay so I love alchemy and I've been working on this healing ointment and I was wondering if I could test it out on you?" "What's in it?" I asked while taking off the old bandages wincing every few seconds. He then went on to explain everything that is in it and how it's supposed to work. "Is it all just that? Did you try some ginger, cinnamon, or amethyst?" I asked curious. "Why would I put that in it?" "Because you can use those in healing spells." He sighed. "Just because I'm into alchemy doesn't mean I'm a wizard." I giggled. "Just because you're not doesn't mean I'm not."
He stared at me for a few seconds before I saw panic rise into his eyes. "Oh my god I saved a witch!!!" He practically yelled. "Magic doesn't exist though and science can prove everything. And I thought witches were ugly?!" He kept going on a short tangent about witches and alchemy.

"Hey sapphires calm down! It's not like I'm going to eat you! Don't believe everything you hear okay?" He nodded before looking back down at the vial in his hand. "You can go ahead and try it on me."

He stared at me wide eyed. "Really?" I nodded and handed him my right arm. He tried not to look at all of the dried blood on me as he put a few drops on where the bites were deeper than the rest. Soon it started bubbling, it was excruciatingly painful. I bit my lip hard and tried to pull my arm away, but he kept my arm still. "Just a little bit longer! I know it's painful but it's worth it I promise!" Not long after I was left with a scabbed over bite that was a lot less painful than before.

I stared down at my arm before looking back up at him. "Are you sure you're not a wizard?" I joked. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.
He continued to treat most of my wounds with his solution making my whole body covered in scabs where the bites where.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now